A new relationship can be very different and you might feel like you are on cloud nine all the time. It is a new...

Itching can be a serious irritation, that too when you are all dressed and ready for an outing. Think of a situation where you...

Having the same hairstyle over and again can get really annoying and mundane. A girl can have differenttop haircuts and hairstyles to look beautiful...

Coconut water is one of the most natural form of drinks that keeps you healthy, refreshing and definitely hydrated. It keeps your body cool,...

For a lot of people including me, coffee is like a heaven place. Drinking coffee in the morning, afternoon or even in the evening...

A lot of women who are on the curvy side think that clothes are not the best forte considering the possibility of looking fat...

It is always difficult to meet your ex mainly when you broke up with him. Well, a lot of times what happens is you...

A lot of parents would accept when I say that it is very difficult for them to control their kids, mainly in the toddlerage....

A lot of couples nowadays are finding it difficult to connect when they are not in the same city or the same country. Long...

Hot yoga always was the fitness trend nowadays. Since we had already covered a few benefits of hot yoga and how one should prepare...

A girl can choose her boyfriend, but anything that comes from her boyfriend can’t be chosen. The same thing works for mothers as well....

With summer taking its primary place in our lives, we often tend to feel irritated and sticky. Sweat is a release of bad water...

A lot of times, sleep can be something that a person may get deprived of. And sometimes, it so happens that sleep becomes a...

Do you know that when you travel alone, one finds answers for a lot of his questions, both life wise and relationship wise? It...

Lot of people may even get confused between dates of Republic day and Independence Day, but no one would ever forget what day it...

For many year weight loss has always been the key problem amongst women. While a lot of people undergo exercise and physical exertion, women...

Yoga has always been a strong connect between philosophy, spirituality, body and mind. A lot of people follow yoga because of it has wonderful...

There are a lot of times in life, you want to say something to your significant other and you shut up because you don’t...

If you are a single person and you are living far away from home, a lot of the times cooking can be a major...

Summer here are it is almost 40 degrees in India. Your children might have a lot to do this summer, including summer camps, visits...

Summer is here and with the heat you have a lot other side effects like pollution, heat waves, eyes burning, body sweating, heat strokes,...

Who says that you have to clear out a part of your shelf just for maternity clothes? Ah, the old adage of storing maternity...