Application of that perfect coat of lipstick is all about clean and adequately moisturized lips. Besides, you may come across a number of advisory...

The oil extracted from the Sesame seed is said to be high on nutrient contents. It finds application in a number of healing and...

Friction and pressure lead to the development of a thick layer of dead skin cells on the knees and elbows. This blackening of the...

There is more to a steaming cup of peppermint tea than just taste. The benefits are there to be experienced by both your general...

The summers could be harsh on your systems. Be it in your overall level of hydration, be it the mineral contents, or just the...

The initial days of prettying yourself up might not quite be something you may want to remember. Eye makeup, as essential, as it is...

Who are we but mere mortals, who need a change of hair from time to time. Some of us may wear it long, while...

A pair of luscious pink lips, soft to the touch, as poetic as it gets, to taste, could brighten up any face on the...

Voluptuous, is a word we may use for eyebrows, provided we give enough thought to it. Wholesome eyebrows could be a sight to behold....

Health is all about adding some and avoiding some. Some habits may bring about life changing experiences while others may take a turn for...

Dark circles are often caused by lack of sleep, or shifting sleeping cycles. If ignored for too long, then it may develop into something...

Cold and flu, may be one among a very short list of maladies, for which mankind has not yet found a proven solution, or...

Everyone has secrets and we all like to keep to ourselves, right? Nobody wants to give it all at once to our respective man...

Body image and shaping your body is very important and no one is really against that. But the overdo of the whole body image...

Frizzy hair could be crazy and irritating at times. You could have a perfect cut, a perfect looking weather outside and everything beautifully ready...

No matter how old you are, every woman needs to be pampered and liked immensely by herself to look great. Well, on that note,...
arent having a good orgasm

A lot of women generally don’t climax and not having a good orgasm could be very frustrating. If you are thinking that you are...

They generally say that you are not just a unique person by yourself. You are someone who is made up of thousand others. While...

There are a few stages a person undergoes when she lives alone. Well, first things first! You don’t have to be under an impression...

They say that a person fights with the people she loves the most. Well, that’s what people say, so don’t ask me if that...

Doesn’t it feel like a hundred degrees outside and all you can think of is how to just strip all your clothes and feel...

Think about the moment when you have received a comment or a compliment that can change your entire day and the way you feel...