8 Romantic things every couple should consider during Honeymoon


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Marriage sure is a mixture of a thousand emotions and flavors of life. Before you dive into the myriad of these crazy encounters, you have to catch a teaser of life! The short vacation called Honeymoon would give you a mini trailer of your life and everything about you as a couple. There could have been many a times you have dreamt about your fantasy honeymoon, but this would be the very first time you are going to experience all of it as a married couple. Take a look at the 8 romantic things every couple should consider doing together during honeymoon.

Top Things You Should Do On Your Honeymoon

1Get up early and watch the sunrise

Get up early

Yes, this could be a little cliche and too out there. But who cares? It’s your honeymoon and you can be and do whatever you want. Try getting up a little ahead of time, go to the nearby beach and catch the sunrise! Since sunrise is also a symbol of starting something fresh and new, it could give you a new feel to the whole thing. Newlywed couples would enjoy walking hand in hand and witnessing sunrise. Try it!

2Order food for each other

Order food for each other

Play this as a game. Try to guess what the other person likes and order it. If yours is a love marriage, you might probably know a lot more about each other. But, if yours is an arranged marriage, this could be your best way to find out each other’s food habits. This could give you a heads up on his taste bud and the variety of food he likes or dislikes.

3Get classy with fine dining

Get classy with fine dining

It is good to explore and have food on the next place you find. But save that for your second or third time. Not the first time for sure! Your Honeymoon is all about getting elaborate and classy in looks. You should consider ordering an sumptuous meal, sit out on the side of a beach atmosphere, order a bottle of champagne or the drink you like and make the evening one of the most romantic ones that will stay fresh forever. You could also choose to go for a beachside walk, kiss under the moon and close dance if your setup is like that.

4Prefer being silly

Prefer being silly

It is not every time that you can act and be silly around each other. Obviously time, work and family will take over your life once you go back to routine. Since you both are out alone and happy, try playing silly games or have a very casual sex instead of being conscious around each other. This way you can figure out your fit in each other’s life and things get relaxed and comfortable.

5Do the not much preferred

Do the not much preferred

It is definitely something that you don’t get to do every day. Talking about fantasiesor kinky stuff that both of you want to try, can be one of them. You are far away from the people who know you. You can definitely try something you don’t try every time. Explore what you both want and try taking sides and do it! Open your creative and wild side and go ahead doing everything that can’t be experienced everyday.

6‘Me’ time is important

time is important

Marriage doesn’t always mean being together and doing things the other wants to do. You can find your ‘me’ time by being a couple also. Honeymoon doesn’t always mean you have to do everything couple-y! You can relax on the rules. Go for a cycle ride, read a book and all of this as a couple, but individually. So, indulge in the ‘me’ time by doing whatever you like, in some other city/country where you are not judged for your acts.

7Take a spa

Take a spa

While sex and loveplay key roles in this beautiful vacation, another important part is relaxing. Honeymoon is all about letting go off the extra baggage that you carry from your marriage. It’s time to relax! Go for a couple spa and soak into the tranquility of happiness and calmness.

8Capture your candid moments

Capture your candid moments

Clicking away off guard and candid pictures will help you make the most beautiful memories. Click your partner’s photo in the most candid way and you never know which one would turn out to be the best. Selfiesare always a couple’s best friend. Get crazy, take a hundred selfies, pick out 2-3 best ones, post it on the social media and show the world how happy you are!

With a lot of happiness and fun, let your relationship climb great heights and reach the scale of extreme love with all the exciting things you can consider during your honeymoon. Not only will you feel excited and happy, but will also give you a feeling of contentment when you have done everything on your checklist with the love of your life.

Also, check out some honeymoon destinations in India

-Pavithra Ravi