Multitasking For Single Mothers


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Being a Single Mother

Being a mother is the most beautiful and important part in a women’s life. It does not matter how tough the mother’s life get, she always stays positive and supportive with her child and try to protect her baby from all the problems in the world. Sometimes being a single mother gets tough and hard. We tend to forget our self completely in this process immersing in the duty to provide for our loved ones.

Here are some things you should do to manage your time with your precious one alone on being a single mother.

Tips On Being a Single Mother

1A Work Schedule To Suits Your Family

A Work Schedule To Suits Your Family

You know, how much hectic it gets when you have to work and manage a baby. You have to give an equal amount of time to your child as well as your work. If you are working from home, stress is a little bit less.

Try to make a schedule that will not effect your family time and your work time. Try to speak to your boss and explain him/her your problem. So that you can manage your time as well as your job properly. Make him understand your situation, ask for help like if any of your family members can take care of your child for that particular time, or try to find a trustworthy day care centre, where you can keep your child.

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2Have A Kid-Free Time

Have A Kid-Free Time

We know how much you have to work to make your child happy, and not to make him or her feel any discomfort in life. But sometimes having a kid free time or a simple free time for yourself is needed. With lots of pressure and work taking a day or even a few hours of break can give you clear head. You can think or work on the upcoming possibilities and responsibilities, read a bookor watch a movie, talk to a friend or family etc.

3Do Not Compete With Yourself

Do Not Compete With Yourself

You can try to loosen up a bit. Like when we get up in the morning we think of what else we have to do the whole day, and we get on working on it. Making bed, cleaning up the room, clean up the dishes, etc. Remember those college days, when you used to leave your things messy in your hostel bed and think about who cares? Well, I am not saying to be entirely like that, but you can take a break from making a bed and do some other important stuff. No one is going to judge you. You do not have to clean the floor every day. Try to invest that time with your child and enjoy every moment.

[Also Read- Tips To Get Work Done From Your Kids]

4Always Be Prepared

Always Be Prepared

If you are a mother of a toddler, try to always leave home prepared. Keep things handy, whenever you leave. For example snacks, sippy cup, water, juice boxes, clean clothes, sometimes crayons, colouring book, etc. You do not know what your child may require. We might forget sometimes because of busy schedules and work pressure, but it is also important to keep your children busy when you are doing something.



As you are already familiar with, for a single mother, you must try to multitask more strategically. You must try to complete your house work simultaneously spend or play with your child. By this way you will have more time to spend with your child. Multitasking is an easy way to manage everything together.

[Also Read- How To Get Your Childrens Interested In Cooking]

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