5 Proven home therapies for hydrating your Oily Skin


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Oily Skin

The monsoons might have arrived early this year, yet the sun has left no page unturned in driving home its point, that the summer is long and is here to stay. With the temperatures soaring, we are left with no options, but endorse a dedicated regime in order to keep our systems in harmony with our mind. We take up special hydration regimes, we undergo a complete wardrobe overhaul, we hit the stores and supermarkets with a vengeance, so that we do not miss out on the latest and the greatest trends that the market has to offer. What we most often tend to ignore, or at least fail to adequately nurture is our skin, the very fabric covering our existence.

Then there are those moments in life when we think that the day possibly could not get any worse and BAMM!, reality hits. We have had turned a deaf ear to the needs of our oily skin for far too long. Be it the sweltering heat or soggy monsoons, oily skin is the type that needs most attention. You ignore it for too long and the results are stark and disturbing. A glum, tired and heavy look that literally makes you feel like wanting to get out of your skin.

Fear no more. Think not of shedding your skin. Shed your apprehensions instead. Here we have for you five proven home therapies for Oily skin that shall keep your skin gorgeous and glowing. What better!, you do not have to consult any beautician, or shell out any extra bucks in order to accommodate these cures into your daily routine.

Top Home Remedies for Oily Skin



The first thing that comes to our mind when we think of any of the citrus fruits is Lemon, which is rich in Vitamin C. This Vitamin boosts the cell renewable process and as a result catalyzes the removal of dark spots from your skin. Citric acid is an excellent cleansing agent that scrapes the dead cells from the surface. Overall lemon’s bleaching properties is known to be therapeutic for the complexion.

Rinse with warm water, or use in combination with honey, cucumber or any other hydrating agent like papaya and you could not help but notice the difference.



The antiseptic properties of turmeric has been well documented in our scriptures since time immemorial. What it means for your home therapy schedule is that, turmeric not only acts as a skin lightning agent, minimizing scars and other marks, but it also treats allergies, inflammation, dryness and other infectious skin disorders that make your skin look dull and lifeless.

Turmeric is available both in processed powder form or fresh from the farm. It could be used along with milk, which has a normal pH, or along with a slightly more acidic solvent like pineapple juice. Again washing away with Luke-warm water helps in optimizing the results.



The Nectar of the Gods, honey comes packed with antibacterial and moisturizing properties. It could be applied raw on the skin or in a solution with skimmed milk and gram flour. Apply the paste to your face, neck and shoulders and allow it to dry for twenty minutes and rinse with warm water to leave your skin soft, supple, radiant and spotless.

4Baking Soda

Baking Soda

Baking Soda is mildly alkaline in nature, and as a result helps in maintaining the pH of your skin, balancing the acidity of oily secretions. It also, like turmeric, has antiseptic and anti inflammatory properties, only to a milder extent. Be it acne, pimples, unwanted spots, dead skin cells, or pollutants, and dust sediments. Baking powder is your one step solution when it comes to home therapies for your oily skin.

Baking Powder goes best with a table spoon of water and honey or a dash of lemon. Mix to a paste and apply to the cleansed skin. Leave until dry and then rinse with cold water. Pat it dry with a towel and notice the results immediately.



Cucumber contains hydrating, nourishing and toning properties for your skin. Consequently it enhances your overall appearance by repairing the damaged cells and removing the dead ones. For best results the juices from a freshly cut fruit needs to be left on your skin overnight, and rinsed in the morning with cold water. Alternatively it could be used with a portion of lemon juice or honey and applied daily for a healthy, hassle free skin.

For more skin care this summer

By Abhro

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