Ways to be a super cool mom


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Super Cool Mom

Sometimes you wish that your mom was cooler to understand what you are trying to say. Most of the times, you as a mom are in between two eras where you would have to adjust into. Either you are too young to adjust to the habits and culture of your parent’s era or you are too old to adjust in the era of your child’s. You are always in between not knowing where to fit into. But since you are actually getting a hands on experience eon both the worlds, you can make it easier for your child by not being very old fashioned. Being a cool mom isn’t all that difficult either, if you know how to handle kids and get them into what is called the balanced act. Well, to guide you through, here we are with 7 things that you should consider for being a super cool mom.

Top Things To Consider To Be A Super Cool Mommy

1Be welcoming with the child’s friends

child’s friends

You can always have a check on where your teenage daughter or son goes, but don’t have a tab on the number of friends coming home. This way your child will think that you are encouraging with the friends coming home and wouldn’t look for a reason to go out and spend time. This way you can secretly have a watch on your daughter or son rather than instructing them or forcing them to agree with your decisions about not spending time with friends. When you are not comfortable with your child going out on a party, let her/him organize one at home.

2Come up with fun activities

fun activities

Make your home interesting for the child to hand around. Let all the children come to your place to make it interesting. Place an in house basketball court, air hockey table or shooting game. Stock up on the latest video game collection, board games. Teenagers need fun and interesting activities for them to keep themselves busy. Get the ones that are mature enough for them to play. That way, they know that you are a cooler mom letting them play the elder’s game. If you find a way to hook your children to an interesting activity, the need to go out will slowly subside. But, that said, it doesn’t mean that your child shouldn’t go out at all.

Alternatives are better than them going to parties. This is just a cooler way to safeguard your kid and keep him/her safe. That way, you will feel good that they spend time at home too.

3Stock up on food

Stock up on food

This is the easiest way to be termed as the cool mom. Any child would be more than happy if you can get to his heart with food. Food is the most attractive item on the list that every child would immediately prefer. Stock up on the food like chips, biscuits, chocolates, cookies etc. Of course it doesn’t mean that you have to feed them with all of these at one time. You can give one by one or bring them out on special occasions to make them feel happy and better. Holidays are always a reason to binge on food. Especially on children!

Also know – Fun food items that can be stocked up in the fridge

4Choice is important

Choice is important

It is very important that you give your children a choice. If you restrict them right away, they won’t understand. Try to give them a cutoff or a curfew on certain things. It’s good to offer at this or that choice so that they can pick one of which they feel is the most important. Going to aunt’s house for lunch or picking up the laundry, Going out is fine, but should be back by 9! Things like this will encourage them to do the ones that you want them to do. Just that they will not know they are being directed by you indirectly. Also give them the chance to decide for themselves because the small decision made is a huge achievement for them.

5Distance and space

Distance and space

Give them the space and distance from yourself so that they can learn and experience things on their own. It is highly recommendable for you to keep away from your teenage child when they ask for space. Let them have their own failures, experiences and achievements. Unless they ask for you, don’t crowd them with your suggestions and opinions. That’s the last thing they might need. You could play and let go of the small things like the picture she posed with a guy for, or the dress she wore to the birthday party. They will learn. So, don’t worry!

You can be the coolest mom if you know how to play chill and calm. Be the one that can appreciate and see the small things and not the one that picks on her daughter’s hair or her son’s activities. If you can do that, you are the coolest mom. By doing all the above, you can have a selfish motive where you can monitor your child better and get to know him/her as a person. Be chill and rock on mom!

-Pavithra Ravi