Different kinds of guys you meet on Tinder


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Guys you Meet

Tinder is a picked up a social media website for dating purposes. You can’t say that everyone you see on tinder is good, nor are they all not good. There is a mixture of good and bad guys and you just have to find out the difference and get going. Tinder is basically a social network that will let you find out guys for you and lets you interact with them. Every teenager nowadays uses tinder for communication and it kind of seems to be a fun way to meet new people. Nowadays things are very easy to get. If you want to hook up, find a guy to go on a date or even just to find friends, you have apps and social media to do so.

You can’t say that every guy who talks to you is looking for a relationship or friendship. Some guys look only for hooking up and that is what most guys are on tinder for. There are some types of guys you meet on tinder which you as a girl should know. India isn’t a safe place for women and we all know that, but there are still genuine people out there. It gets difficult for women to trust men. If you are using tinder or if you think, you want someone to meet on Tinder, here are some things you should know about the guys on social media.

What Kind of Guys You Meet On Tinder

1The desperate ones

The desperate ones

Like I already mentioned, tinder is a means of communication where you can share your picture and information about the kind of person you are. When this happens, your information is out and you upload your pictures too. Sometimes, guys can be very desperate when it comes to social media. There are many cases where the guys unwontedly put girls into trouble by making them believe in their communication. Yes, a lot of times what happens is that many girls believe what the guys say and fall in their trap. They share pictures and the pictures are used in the most wrong way by the guys. It becomes like a scandal and a lot of girls are abducted to this. So, we are just trying to tell you that there is a special kind of guys who are very desperate and who don’t reveal their true identity as well.

2The genuine ones

The genuine ones

Like I already mentioned, Tinder doesn’t have only bad kind of men on it. There are also men who are seriously looking for a relationship or friendship. You can tell from the way they talk and from the way they interact with you. So, if a guy talks to you and you learn about him, you can obviously be good friends with them. Who knows, the guy can be really nice and may ask you on a date and things can work out really well for you. The genuine ones are pretty rare to find but there are still good guys around and mainly on tinder too.

3The studious kinds

The studious kinds

This is the kind of guy who wants to be friends with you because he wants some professional help from you. Yes, you may work in a good company and this kind of guys may want a reference or job for you. They would ask help from you because they learn the position that you are in from your information. Generally, these guys are harmless and just take reference from you and be friends only for work purposes. These kind of guys looks in tinder because it is easy to make friends and not be involved with anyone.

Here are some tips on how social media affects your relationship

4The Friends with benefits kinds

Friends with benefits kinds

An Open relationship is there everywhere nowadays. You can have multiple partners and not really care about what others think. A guy on tinder who is not looking for anything serious could want to hook up with you just for the sex. If you are interested in an open relationship, you can definitely go ahead and make friends with guys who expect nothing. The good thing about these guys is that they make sure to tell you in the beginning itself so that you don’t develop feelings for him. It gets easier for the both of you if both of you are looking at the same thing.

You get to meet guys anywhere nowadays and tinder is just a new and interesting way to meet guys in your life. Just make the best use of it, but make sure you don’t fall into any kind of trouble. Having fun is not wrong, but having safe fun is what girls nowadays have to do because there are a lot of things girls and women are abducted to these days. So, ladies, have fun but make sure you are safe!

-Pavithra Ravi

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