Care For Your Feet Naturally


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Pedicure At Home

Let’s face it, most of the time we completely ignore our feet. Our hectic schedule don’t even leave us with a little time with ourselves. Most of the time we neglect sparing a few minutes on ourselves and our body to relax. The whole day we go on about running around and meeting errands. In the end, we rarely do anything to relieve the tension in our feet.

According to me, everyone must give some equal time and importance to there feet also because of our ignorance our feet looks either sore or have chapped heels. Maybe many of you don’t know that your feet contain many vital nerves that helps in the functioning of the body. This is the reason for Thai’s acupressure massage being popular for relieving stress. It can not only relax out tired feet, but can also heal parts of the body that are not working properly.

We all dream about silky smooth and shapely legs, but remember it is not an easy task. For a great toned leg we need to do some important leg exercises, like swimming, cycling, gyming and Yoga. It can help in relaxing and strengthening legs and feet.

Well with all the exercises you must all need to groom your legs. Like removing unwanted hairs, through waxing, shaving, cream, etc., and getting or giving your feet a perfect pedicure. If you don’t get much time visit parlour for your pedicure, then you can try a pedicure at home. Here are a few tips on how to do a pedicure at home.

Tips to care for your feet at home

There is nothing like a good pedicure at home. Remember that doing a pedicure at home is never the same. So here are few things you might need to do a pedicure at home like nail brush, loofah, file, a heavy duty moisturising cream, pumice stone, nail cleaner, nail cutter, acetone, cuticle pusher, lemon slices, a tub of hot water, herbal shampoo, honey and marigold flowers.

[Also Read- Professional Manicure at Home]

1Some step by step guide

Some step by step guide

In the very first step to try and clean your nails with acetone, then file them according to the shape and length. In the next step massage your nails with little cream or honey. Then dip your feet into the tub of hot soapy water in which you have added some lemon slices and marigold petals. When you will feel that the nails and skin have become soft, then clean the nails with the help of the brush. Use pumice stone to free the dead skin from the heels. Pat dry and clean the nails with a cuticle pusher and cleaner. After this rub a fresh lemon slice on the skin to remove the tan. Try use a loofah to smooth out the dead skin, later mix two tablespoons of each honey and cream and massage them well on your skin.

2Home Remedy for Tired Feet

Home Remedy for Tired Feet

If you feel that your feet is aching and tired or if it suffers from varicose veins, then some of these foot remedies can help you. Take some boiled water in a tub, then add two cups of Pine needle leaves, two tablespoons of peppermint oil and two cups of rose petals. Then massage your feet with castor oil and soak your feet in them for 10 minutes. Add some marbles or small pebbles in the tub, so that you can roll your feet in them and relax your aching feet. Pat dry your feet on a towel, then rub a lemon massage cream.

[Also read- Natural Cure for Brittle Nails]

3Cracked Heels

Cracked Heels

Cracked heel is one of the most common problems among us. There is more request for a natural remedy to cure cracked heels in the internet. So, with some of these steps your cracked heel can get some relief. Clean your feet well with a pumice stone and nail brush. Then massage the feet with sesame oil or sandalwood oil or with heavy duty cream until the skin has absorbed most of it. If possible melt a candle into a vessel and when it is slightly cooled, try to brush the warm wax on your heels and leave it to solidify.

Try to follow this remedy mostly at night. Before sleeping put on a cotton socks and in the morning after removing the socks, peel off the wax. Try to follow this routine for a week, you can see the difference.

4Chipped Nails

Chipped Nails

Chipped nails happens of not taking care of your nails properly. For chipped nails mix one tablespoon of gelatine in a half glass of water and try drinking it every day for two weeks, you can see possible changes. Except this try to keep your nails short and trimmed for base strengthening.

If your nails have turned yellow because of the regular use of nail colour, then let your nails to breath. You can also rub lemon slices on your nails and leave till the juice is soaked. You can find them coming back to natural colour.

[Also Read- Beginner’s Guide on hoe to use a Concealer]

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