Ways to stand out throughout an internship


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stand out throughout an internship

Ambitious college students definitely do want to make it big in the real world, right? If you are a college student, you should be worried about your internship and how well you would do during the given period. Don’t worry guys! We are here to help you with the process and we will give you some efficient tips that can make you stand out throughout the internship program. Let’s remember that you are younger, bubbly and inexperienced person who will work with a set of snobbish, highly experienced seniors. Yes, it is going to be a tough road ahead because everyone is going to treat you like shit. No, don’t get discouraged with the phrase I just used. I am saying this because I want you guys to be strong and get going in whatever you do. You will have to embark on all the activities, treat yourself as a grown up and start bucking up at the job given to you.

Let’s also not forget that some internships can become an easy career option for you. Yes, you could easily turn your internship to your job if you stand out and do well. So, it is important that you use this opportunity and do well when it comes to proving your niche. Start developing the much needed patience, a good attitude and positive approach in the work you do. To guide you more into this, we have put down some ways that can make you stand out as the best intern in the company you are working for. Remember that no contact is a waste and everything you learn here will help you big time in the future. So, pay attention to every small detail. For now, read our tips to stand out during your internship or how to be a kick-ass intern.

Best Tips to Stand Out During Your Internship

1Homework and research

Homework and research

It is very important for you to do the appropriate amount of research and homework before you go on the first day of your internship. Yes, it is extremely vital for you to know what the company you are going to work for is dealing with.

You should be extremely pro with the area of expertise and the most important part is that, you should also understand their work flow. The key to being better at your job is when you actually get to know more about your company than you actually know now. Yes, research about their recent works, their success rates and their clients. If you are working for a media company, get to know their rating in the industry. It helps to have extra information in your hand. Be prepared and don’t worry about success. If you do your work properly, success will follow!

2Dress for the job

Dress for the job

Yes, you heard that exactly right! Dress for your job and not for yourself. You cannot wear anything and everything to the workplace. Dress appropriately and more than that, you need to make sure that you dress decently. It is wise to find out from the people working there as to what is the dress code of the office. Get to know your surroundings and environment. Learn by seeing! Let’s face it!

Nobody wants a sloppy intern who dresses inappropriately. It only puts a bad light on you and people will not take you seriously. So, when you dress professionally and do a good job, things will start looking serious from your end. Some researchers have proved that dressing appropriately has proved to be a big boon for the students themselves. So guys, it is time to act like grown-ups!

3Internships are like real jobs

Internships are like real jobs

It is important that you take your job seriously if you want your manager or higher authorities to take you seriously. You need to actually love your job and treat your internship as the job in itself. This is because, to you need to learn the quirks of the job and be brilliant at it, you need to consider the job as a learning experience and not as something you are doing for the sake of academic purposes.

When you find the line between internship and job, you will know how important this position of an intern is. You are getting a hands on experience before the actual step down to the real work life. So, make the most out of it. Remember that your contributions, your good or bad work and even your small alterations in certain work you do will affect the company big time.

[Also Read – Achieve work life Balance]

4Time management is essential

Time management

You need to know the importance of time and managing it. Yes, I accept that you have a lot on your plates and you might be juggling between a lot of things. If you are given a deadline, stick to it and try to finish it on time. If you feel that you have taken too much and can’t finish a certain work, try to get help from your peers.

Asking for help and accepting that you are not able to do everything at once, wouldn’t put you down at all. Also remember that being on time for work or completing a presentation on time will put you in the good books of your managers or the hiring committee.

5Socializing is totally fine

Socializing is totally fine

Don’t think that because you are an intern, you have no social life at all. Of course, you need to get to know your colleagues and their positions in the company. You also need to know them outside of the office. Take your own time to get to know your co-workers. But you should also remember to use a filter here and there. Keep a tab on the amount of personal information you are sharing with your superiors. They may be extremely friendly and kind. But it is always good to use filters before you indulge in telling them everything about you.

[More – Qualities that a confident woman has in office atmosphere]

Other tips to follow

  • Ask questions when in doubt
  • Be as flexible as possible for your seniors
  • Communicate the issues you have (if you have any)
  • Stick to one mentor and follow his/her rule – Learn as much as you can from that one person
  • Remember to initiate when asked for
  • Accept criticisms, guidance and advice
  • Stand on your point if you think you are absolutely right
  • Keep challenging yourself
  • Keep a tab on your achievements and accomplishments during internship

So guys and girls, to stand out, follow the above tips and tell us how your internship went!

All the best

-Pavithra Ravi

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