5 Effective Methods of Hair Steaming At Home


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Is your hair history like this?

You had gorgeous and healthy hair.

Then started with excessive hair fall-You took medical treatment

Later, it was effected with dandruff- You changed shampoo and conditioner

Next, got countless split ends- You visited parlor to remove them.

And finally found little improvement but not permanent. Growing hair problems and fluctuating reactions. Is this all happening with your hair since months and years??

Now your hair is craving for some proteins and nutrients. Your hair can be repaired and treated well in different methods. When we say hair treatment, it is not about visiting your nearby hair clinic or to undergo hair transplantation and laser treatments. The hair repair can be done at home giving you the unbelievable results, that too with natural ingredients.

We are about to discuss on hair steaming at home. Yes!! Hair steaming is workable at home.

Eager to know the details of hair steaming at home. Here we go!

Firstly let us look into, Benefits Of Hair Steaming:

Hair growth: Hair steaming methods at home, allows blood circulation and hydrating your hair which results in hair growth. It aids to grow long and thick, as steaming directly touches your scalp and makes your hair moisturized enough.

Hair spa: Hair spa is the way to pamper your hair and giving it some nutrients via hair spa. Hair steaming is one of the methods of hair spa. It aids to gain stronger hair follicles and deep conditioning of the hair. The methods and ingredients of hair steaming at home are more of nutrient, protein-oriented.

Hair fall: Generally women lose 50-80 strands a day and if it is more than that, it is not normal. It can’t be avoided. So, need to be alert of protecting your hair by taking few precautions and by following few remedies. One of the best remedies is hair steaming to control hair fall. Hair steaming is beneficial in making the hair strong at the roots and to reduce hair fall to an extent.

Relaxed hair: In the process of steaming your hair, you will get to relax. In fact, steaming can work as stress buster. Hair steaming can be on your to-do list every weekend to relax yourself, from all the stress throughout the week. If you are tired out of your daily tasks, go for hair steaming at home. It will let you relax and gives you great relief.

Dandruff: Dandruff is formed due to various reasons like oil from the scalp, hair sensitivity towards hair products and dry skin. If the reason of causing dandruff due to dry skin, steaming can work well by moisturizing the scalp and hydrate the scalp. Proper hydration of scalp can reduce dandruff issues. The benefit of hair steaming at home is, free of paraben and chemicals. Hence, hair steaming at home is a good cure for dandruff.

Hair breakage: Hair breakage is caused by lack of nourishment. Benefits of hair steaming also helps to nourish your hair and in rejuvenation. Hair steaming at home, helps in repairing your broken hair from root to bottom.

Ways To Steam Hair At Home

Steaming Hair with Coconut Oil

Image source: artnaturals.com

Coconut oil contains vitamins and fatty acids which helps to nourish the scalp and removes sebum(waxy substance) from hair follicles. This gives you shiny hair and growth. Coconut oil is also useful in repairing your split ends.


1. Take 2 tablespoons of coconut oil into the bowl.
2. In a saucepan, pour 1 cup of water.
3. Place the coconut oil bowl in the saucepan of water.
4. Do not heat the oil for long, it is enough to use warm oil.
5. Apply the heated oil to your cleaned and washed hair from roots to end by massaging in circular motions.
6. Wrap your hair with a towel for 20 minutes.
7. Then put on a shower cap followed by and leave it for 20-30 minutes.
8. Shampoo your hair once the steaming process is completed.
9. You can follow this steaming process with coconut oil once a week for efficient results.

Steaming Hair with Towel

This is the recommended process of hair steaming. Gives you great relaxation and blood circulation. Improves hair treatments.

Image source: artofmanliness.com


1. Dip a towel in a bowl of hot water.
2. Remove the excess water out of the towel.
3. Wrap your hair with the wet warm towel.
4. Cover your hair with shower cap and leave it for 2 hours for deep conditioning.
5. Then shampoo and conditioner as usual.
6. This process of hair steaming with towel should be done once a week.

Steaming Hair with Hot Water

Image source: kreyolasjourneys.com

This method of steaming helps you in protecting your hair from breakage. Makes your hair soft and silky by retaining the moisture. The process of steaming your hair with hot water is simple yet effective.


1. Soak a towel in water.
2. Place the towel in microwave for 2 minutes.
3. Wrap your hair with the towel.
4. On towel wrapped head cover it with a shower cap.
5. Let it remain for 15-20 minutes.
6. Rinse of with water as usual.
7. You can use this hair steaming process 1-2 times a week.

Steaming Hair with Onion

Image source: kumpaidot.site

Onion works as an antibacterial agent for your hair and keeps your hair away from any infections. Onion also makes you rid of dandruff problems. Avoids hair loos/fall using onion hair steaming.


1. Chop 1 onion finely and take it into a bowl.
2. Add olive oil.
3. Heat the mixture of onion and olive oil. (Don’t overhit, right to be warm)
4. Apply the onion conditioner to hair by massaging your hair.
5. Cover your hair with a shower cap for 15 minutes.
6. Wash off with shampoo or can use hair conditioner.
7. You can do this hair steaming with onion, once a week.

Benefits of onion for hair growth

Steaming Hair with Egg

Image source: LEAFtv

An egg is full of proteins and lets your hair strengthen. This process of hair steaming with egg, helps in cleaning and purifying your tresses. Adds volume, for which most of the women are striving for.


1. Start with breaking an egg in a bowl.
2. Add 1 tablespoon of oil.
3. Blend both egg and oil.
4. Shampoo your hair and remove excess water from your hair with a towel.
5. Then apply the stuff to your hair from top to bottom. (apply properly on the ends)
6. Cover your hair by putting on a shower cap.
7. Let the egg conditioner sit for 15-20 minutes.
8. Then wash out with shampoo.

Important Hair Tips:

Eating healthy food keeps your hair shiny and stronger. As we know, we are what we eat! Oiling your hair with a good massage, 2 times a week is a must. Hair steaming once a week is effective all the ways, especially at home. Never wash your hair with hot water, it damages hair as it weakens hair follicles and leads to hair fall. Use water of right and normal temperature.

Hair steaming had shown best results. You need not visit a spa or salon to repair your hair. It can be done through the above ideas of hair steaming at home itself. All the above mentioned methods of hair steaming are cheap at cost and natural.

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