Hair Care Tips Using Bhringraj


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Using Bhringraj

Bhringraj plant, have many uses in Ayurveda. It has also been used for ages for hair growth and color improvement. If you regularly massage with bhringraj oil, it can improve blood circulation in your scalp, as it can help to revitalize the hair follicles as well as promotes the hair growth. It is basically made by blending the extracts of bhringraj plant in oils like coconut or sesame. Ayurveda states that bhringraj oil can help to improve your sleep as well. When used correctly, bhringraj oil, can help in reducing the hair fall as well as accelerates the hair growth. So here are some hair care tips by using Bhringraj or Bhringraj oil.

Hair Care Tips

How to Use Bhringaraj for Hair Growth

1. Bhringaraj oil

Bhringaraj oilBhringaraj oil is one of the most common hair treatment, which is preferred for a regular use. Many products of Bhringaraj oil is easily available at any local stores. Also alternatively, you can prepare the combination of Bhringaraj oil at the comfort of your home.

How to make Bhringaraj oil with powder for hair growth DIY:

  • First, add some coconut or sesame oil and then some Bhringaraj powder, that is made with crushing the leaves of Bhringraj.
  • Then mix both the powder as well as the oil properly.
  • Then you can use the mixture for a lustrous hair.

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2. Bhringaraj leaves

Bhringaraj leavesJust like the oil, Bhringaraj leaves are also equally beneficial for your scalp and the hair.

How to use Bhringaraj leaves for hair growth DIY:

  • First smash some leaves and make a paste
  • Then apply the paste directly on your scalp for better results.
  • Bhringaraj leaves can help in stimulating the hair growth faster than the other products or even ingredients.

3. Bhringaraj tonic

Bhringaraj tonicBhringaraj tonic is equally beneficial in reducing the hair fall as well as fostering the hair growth, when taken orally.

Benefits of Bhringraj Oil for the Hair

1. Natural Hair Dye for Premature Hair Greying

Natural Hair Dye for Premature Hair GreyingPremature greying of hair, is one of the most common hair problem that is experienced by many people nowadays. Environmental pollution, irregular lifestyle, improper diet, as well as overuse of the hair styling products can often lead to many hair damage problems. This as a result can cause premature hair greying. So, persistent use of the Bhringaraj oil improves your hair condition to a more significant extent. In addition, it can help to nourish as well as rejuvenate the hair follicles and also prevent hair discoloration.

2. A Natural Antidote for Hair Loss

A Natural Antidote for Hair LossBhringaraj oil is also a kind of Ayurvedic oil that can help to cure acute problems of hair loss. You can use Bhringaraj herb directly on your scalp. It’s an herbal formula can also help to foster the hair follicles. The presence of natural ingredients in the oil can help to nourish the scalp very generously. It is a natural therapy to prevent hair loss. The natural herb contains many essential nutrients that can fulfill the deficiency of minerals, which will lead to the uncontrollable hair loss.

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3. Bhringaraj Oil For Hair Growth

Bhringaraj Oil For Hair GrowthBhringaraj oil is a very important part of ancient Ayurvedic treatment. Its natural hair loss treatment is very well proved because of the benefits. It is ideal for those, who wants natural as well as time tested solution, which can improve the hair conditions. Bhringaraj oil is safe to apply, as it do not have any harsh chemicals or any other type of superficial agents. You can use it for a long time without any of the side effects.

Other uses for Bhringraj

1. Bhringraj for Liver

Bhringraj for LiverBhringraj is considered as a liver tonic. It is being widely used for treating any type of liver disorders. Regularly eating more junk food plays the havoc of calamity in your liver. By adding Bhringraj to your diet, you can keep your liver healthy.

2. Bhringraj For Skin

Bhringraj For SkinHome remedies work wonderful, when it comes for any skin related diseases. Bhringraj leaves are very amazing products for treating any type of skin related diseases. Bhringraj juice can be very effective to treat cracked heels, as well as minor skin allergies. Apply the juice of Bhringraj directly on your affected area continuously for a few days to see better results. The juice can help to heal the wounds faster. This juice is best applied, when fresh.

3. Bhringraj for Cold & Cough

Bhringraj for Cold & CoughThe extract of the Bhringraj juice is by pounding, in a mortar and pestle along with a little boiled water and then strain it. Add some drops of honey into the mixture and it is very effective to treat cold as well as cough. This remedy can be used for both children and the adults. This mixture can also be consumed every day for better results.

4. Bhringraj for Anemia

Bhringraj for AnemiaA very simple homemade soup, that is made up of Bhringraj leaves can treat anemia very effectively. As Bhringraj is high in iron, Bhringraj soup, if consumed every day can treat anemia effectively.

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5. Bhringraj for Sinus Infection

Bhringraj for Sinus InfectionBhringraj is an effective ayurvedic herb that is helpful in treating sinus infection.