Easy To Do Beauty Tips For Oily Skin


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Beauty Tips For Oily Skin

You don’t get to choose your skin type, it is hereditary. So ifyou have oily skin, then it can take you through tough sometimes. As because the sebaceous glands on the oily skin people are always over active, that is, producing the excess sebum, that contributes to a very shiny, greasy look on your face and skin is more prone to skin ailments such as acne, blackheads and whiteheads, enlarged or even sometimes clogs pores and many more things. Pollution as well as dirt can also sometimes even lead to comedones, that is, skin-bumps for those who have oily skin. The basic solution for this is just to keep the basic oil production in total control by following some of the simple skin care and beauty tips for oily skin.

Beauty Tips For Oily Skin

1Cleansing is important

Cleansing is important

One of the most tried as well as tested way to control the excess oil is just to clean it and also keep it properly clean every time. It is also important to clean your face twice or even thrice every week to get, rid of all the accumulated dirt and the oil build-up, which can lead to clogged pores, acne and many more skin problems. Gel-based or even foaming cleansers are some of the best tips for a oily skin.

Try to look for cleansers or face washes those are oil-free. Some medicated soaps are also beneficial for cleaning oily skin. However, try not to resort to abrasive cleaning techniques as it can strip the skin of its natural moisture, which leads to sebaceous glands producing more oil on the face. Try to look for a product that contains some of these ingredients, like Tea tree oil, salicylic acid, Neem, Turmeric, and Honey.

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2Scrubbing is good

Scrubbing is good

Always try to exfoliate your oily skin, every once or twice a week. This is one of the most important beauty tips for the oily skin. The presence of excess sebum production leads to the dead skin cells on the skin’s surface, which results in pimples, whiteheads, acne, and blackheads, and of course your skin looks dull as well. To eliminate the dirt and the dead skin cells properly and renew the skin’s surface, as well as to keep away the breakouts, include exfoliation in your skin care routine. Try to be gentle and not scrub the skin in an improper harsh manner.

3Highly effective weekly face masks

Highly effective weekly face masks

After proper exfoliation, try to follow up with a face mask. This is a very vital weekly step of the oily skin care tips. These face packs or the masks contains Kaolin as well as Bentonite clay, Sandalwood, or Fuller’s Earth, that is, Multani mitti are a very good product for oily skin as they can gently absorb any excess oil.

Weekly home made beauty tips for oily skin:

  • First mash the pulp of a very ripe papaya, then add half a lemon to it; mix properly; apply on the face and massage well. Leave it on for fifteen to twenty minutes and then rinse with cold water. This can help in controlling oil pretty well.
  • First peel of the fresh apple and cut it in thin slices; blend it and mix two tbsp of honey in it. Make a paste and apply on the face. Leave it on for a minimum of fifteen to twenty minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. This can help to control the shine, tighten the pores as well as hydrate the skin naturally.

4Use alcohol-free cosmetics

Use alcohol-free cosmetics

Alcohol can dry up the skin, but very aggressively. Which means it is likely that the oily skin will get more worse, instead of improving. If you are regularly treating it with a toner which contains alcohol, then it can ruin your oily skin. If you are feeling to use a toner, try to choose the one without alcohol in it. Try not to forget to moisturize.

5Try not to skip the moisturizer

Try not to skip the moisturizer

On the contrary to a popular belief, oily skin needs hydration and moisturizing. Stripping your skin of the moisture can only encourage the sebaceous gland to produce more oil to compensate. Hence, try to opt for moisturizer that is oil-free, non-comedogenic, and water-based.

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6Rose water

Rose water

Rose water is another type of wonderful ingredient that is often used in many homemade beauty tips for oily skin. Rose water has soothing, as well as anti-inflammatory effect. That can help to remove the excessive oil and can actually regulate, the production of your skin, so you don’t get an unpleasant shine. Try to use it regularly, whether by spraying in the face, or by applying it with a cotton bud every alternate day.

7Eat your greens

Eat your greens

Everybody knows that by eating fresh fruit as well as vegetables, and also staying away from the fried foods can do many wonders for the oily skin problem. Even, if you are too lazy or not, much inspired, to use any of the other tips and the remedies, you can go for greens that can compliment much.A proper diet can balance the production of the oil by your skin glands, just like it can help balance your weight.

8Egg white

Egg white

Any homemade beauty tips for oily skin list, can never be complete without the mentioning of egg. An egg white mask has been drying effect on the skin, but this type of effect is not very excessive. First, add some lemon juice to reinforce, mix it lightly, then apply and let it sit for ten minutes, before rinsing gently. Applying, it every once or twice in a week must be enough, provided as you also use some other remedies.

9Wear Sunscreen Always

Wear Sunscreen Always

This fear of greasiness can prompt oily-skin women to skip the sunscreen. The result, then leads to brown spots, pigmentation as well as freckles, because of sun exposure. Hence, you can opt for a gel based sunscreen or a sunscreen that is best for oily skin. It can leave the face matte and also offer adequate sun protections. Stay away from the junk as well as sugary foods; also drink lots of water, to stay properly hydrated and flush out all the toxins. Try to eat at least one fruit daily and include green, leafy veggies in the diet. All these can help in regulating the amount of oil that your skin produces.

10White clay

White clay

Another great homemade beauty tips for oily skin is to use white cosmetic clay as a face mask. White clay, or the kaolin, is the best drying, as well as skin tightening treatment available. It can not only absorb the excess oil, but it can also take care of the blemishes and tighten the pores. Depending on the strength that you are aiming for. Mix the clay with water in a more liquid or in a thicker paste, then gently rub on the face, and leave it dry before rinsing.

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