Top benefits of early morning Yoga
Are you not an early morning person? Well, not many are! But, when you taste the fruit of calmness and natural spirit, you can soon become one. Early mornings are generally very productive than...
5 Effective Yoga Asanas For a Flat Belly
In the present day of fast moving life and increasing stress, yoga gives breathe to keep a healthy life. Our eating habits are changing according to our need. So staying fit and keepiYogas For...
Busted! Now Practice Yoga Without Any Misconception
Being fit and fine is one of the best ways to lead a healthy life and yoga can give us the strength and power for a benefiting life. But, when you decide on starting...
5 Beneficial Yoga Asanas For Mental Health
For young women, life is going too tough will daily tasks at work place, paying bills and managing household. Additional to all these problems, there are other annoying things like high traffic, petty conflicts...
Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose) For Arthritis
Adho mukha svanasana or downward facing dog pose, is a Sanskrit words whose meaning is ‘Adho’ - ‘down’, ‘Mukha’ - ‘face’, ‘Svana’ - ‘dog’ and ‘asana’ which is of course seat or posture. This...
10 Yoga Poses for Beginners
Yoga is a practice which gives physical, mental, and spiritual peace. Yoga means union. Hinduism recognises that there are many paths to the divine and so there are many types of yogas. So, here...
Yoga For Weight Gain For Females
Yoga is an amazing as well as incredible workout, it has the solutions to almost all of the health-related problems. While many people in the world are just crazy about losing weight, there are...
5 Yoga For Muscles Strengthening
Do you want to do something beneficial for the body in the comfort of your home? Well, then there is a way. Whenever, you do any exercises, the first thing that comes to your...
Yoga Exercise Routine For Beginners
Yoga is one of the amazing soul connecting exercise forms that is ever known to mankind. It can be difficult as well as it can be easy. By daily practicing, you can achieve a...
Breathing Easy Yoga Workout
Yoga is one of an amazing forms of soul stirring workout, connecting our mind and body. One of the basic forms of yoga is breathing exercises. So here are some breathing easy yoga workouts...
Hot Yoga Tips – Part 2
Hot yoga always was the fitness trend nowadays. Since we had already covered a few benefits of hot yoga and how one should prepare them for the same, today I'm going to give you...
Bridge Pose Or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana Yoga For Neck
Some days just seems to race without ever being here for them. We tend to dash breathlessly the jam-packed schedules, and then at night just collapse in our bed and wonder where we have...
Shoulder Stand Or Sarvangasana Yoga To Increase Height
‘Sarvangasana’ in Sanskrit means ‘Sarva’ - ‘Entire’; ‘Anga’ - ‘Body Parts’ and ‘Asana’ - ‘pose’. It is considered as one of the few yoga poses which can help to stimulate as well as regulate...
Fat Burning Yoga Workout For Healthy Living
Everyone of us love to look slim, toned as well as healthy. Yoga, the centuries old practise of controlling the breath, stretching and bending the body systematically is the best way to keep the...
Best Yoga For Weight Loss And Toning For Abs Part 2
Abs are one of the most beautiful part in your body. We all dream of having that perfect body where you can see as well as feel those abs and what can be best...
Easy-To-Do Yoga Poses For Weight Loss
Yoga can be really beautiful as well as soul connecting exercise. It has been practiced for more than a decade. It can promote better health not only from outside but also from inside. It...
Unexpected Mistakes In Yoga
Yoga is one of the most awesome activities to lose weight and be healthy. But remember that, you have a mat and know some yoga poses, doesn’t mean that you are doing it right....
Pranayama For Proper Breathing
Pranayama is one of the best way to control the life-currents through the control of breath, and it is a process through which we are able to understand the secret of prana as well...
Yoga Poses For Belly Weight Loss
Losing weight from the belly is one of the most difficult of all the other parts of weight lose. Belly can really make you work hard on your exercising routine, and moreover, it can...
Types Of Yoga For Beginners
Yoga is a form of exercise, that can create a balance in the mind as well as the soul of the persons body. It can make the mind calm and energetic, and gives the...
Laughter Yoga- Healthy And Happy Laughing Session
When it is about health and well being, yoga tops as the first option. The yoga poses and methods play a crucial part of yoga. Some of the popular yoga poses contribute many health...
Best Yoga For Weight Loss And Toning
When you start exercising, then one of the fact that comes to the mind is how to lose weight as well as tone the body. There are many types as well as forms of...