7 Ways To Become A Travel Blogger


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Travel Blogger

Well, who doesn’t love traveling? Traveling gives you a motive to live our life desires, and fulfill the excitement that you might have wanted to live with. Traveling give you the goal to live, an excitement to enjoy the life. No matter if you are an adventurous traveler, or a simple traveler. All you need is to record your memory while traveling. As you might have been into blogging or not, this can sometimes be easy and sometimes hard too. So here, are 7 ways to become a travel blogger and share your life experiences with everybody and also get paid for it.

Ways To Become A Successful Travel Blogger

1Be passionate

Be passionate

Consider on what you enjoy the most in traveling, like food, history, people, wildlife and make that the central theme of your blog. Passion is the most important root for great writing, and making that passion shine through your blog can keep the readers more interested. Sticking to the things that you love, can keep your motivation as well as the enthusiasm up.

Also remember that you do not have to cover everything bout traveling on the blog. While traveling, if you do not go to the museums, then do not bother about writing about it. If you are more interested in camping and hate hotel stays, then stick to camping advice. Write about what you love to speak, and do not concentrate on catching everybody on your net.

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2Experiment with your blog

Experiment with your blog

When you begin writing a blog, then you might not want to commit to a blog topic immediately, and that is fine. In the first stages, the most important thing is that you are investing or writing something. Do not be afraid to try out new things or experiment as well as play around with many different ideas. You can try writing about different range of things, that you find most enjoyable and that will quickly make itself known.

Sometimes, finding the niche, can become really difficult or complicated,but it is all about finding a passion and distinctive voice, and then pursuing it relentlessly. It doesn’t matter if you have not found a right way, or even the path meanders a bit along the way. It is mostly about following the instincts, trusting your gut, and many more. Successful bloggers have to blaze their own trails.

It takes a lot of time, experimentation, patience, energy, passion, and persistence to build a brand that you believe in the most. But when you do, the other element which can make up the business of blogging falls into the place a lot easily as well as organically.

3Put some thought in the design

Put some thought in the design

The philosophical saying of “first impression is the best impression”, also do apply to websites. Creating a very strong design to your blog, which is very easy to navigate as well as understand is a very important. It is because it is a first chance to hook a reader. In travel industry; visuals are the key factor.

A very unique as well as engaging designs can set apart the wealth of new travel blogs, which is vying for a place in the travel industry. Try to stand out of the crowd with some very distinctive logo as well as cutting edge blog themes, publish some really interesting photography as well as video within the posts, and construct a navigable menu which you can catalog the content.

To make it easy for the readers to interact with your articles, try to activate social sharing plug-ins and commenting system, if they have not already chosen the theme.

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4Identify the readers

Identify the readers

Knowing what you exactly want to write, can help you guide every blogging move – like on the kind of stories you are writing and which social network you are most active, to which brands you are partnered in the future. Having a reader in the forefront of the mind is always an effective way to stay focused.

The first piece of advice is to start asking yourself a lot of questions; like are your audience mostly male or female? What most age groups do they all belong to? What things are most interest them about traveling? What do they like most on the web – like quick posts or long stories? What else travel publication do they enjoy reading? And many more.

Try to answer as many questions as possible and as precisely, as you can create an ideal reader profile. Use this reader profile to guide your content, social media strategy, blog writing and design. Your reader must be the first thing you must consider when you make any decisions on the blog.

5Don’t bog down in technical stuff

Don't bog down in technical stuff

When you slowly become experienced in blogging you may slowly start hearing words like ‘Google page rank’, ‘SEO’ (Search Engine Optimization) and ‘Affiliate marketing’. Running your own website is basically quite a technical behind the scenes, and that can be overwhelming for the blogging beginner’s. It sometimes is very tempting to learn it all, but getting deep into all the technicalities can draw your attention out from writing and lead you to Google slavery instead. Some place you don’t want to be.

So, it is better to stay focused on outstanding travel content, but also try to reserve just a small chunk of blogging time to learn some tricks of this trade. Try to work through this bit by bit and try to begin and implement the strategies into your work.

6Social media marketing

Social media marketing

Social media is the general means by where you can get your content out there. So setting up social media profiles, when you have few posts is the key. To build your following, try to concentrate on the quality as well as the consistency. Do not get too much involved in the quick way to build followers, but instead be patient and let the audience grow naturally and organically. It also takes a lot of dedication to get the work noticed on social media; like interacting with the influence or brands, and consistently share some quality information with them. Over the time, they will start noticing your work.

Try to post daily on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest regularly. Join twitter chats to meet new people as well as followers. Post on social media every day, using scheduling tools like Tweetdeak, Buffer, or Hootsuite to make it more easier. Also, use, insight tools like ManageFlitter (Twitter) and Commun.it, Facebook analytics, and Iconosquare (Instagram) to learn more about your followers. But, try not to depend entirely on the tools itself. Listen to your readers and try new things for yourself too.

Most of all try to have fun with it. Write as well as share the things you love, and your readers can feel the energy. People want to be more inspired, so inspire them.

7Do the research and be knowledgeable

Do the research and be knowledgeable

The most aggravating travel blogging myths is that, because it is less established form of ‘new media’ and mostly include personal perspective, the quality of the content does not need to be much polished like the newspaper or the magazines. With that negative outlook, you might want to send the world of blogging down to the toilet and also flush it off forever.

Quality must and always be the top priority, and as you can see the industry is becoming more crowded it is needed more than ever to make you stand out. So, take some time to research the subject you are trying to write about. Look at the subject in a reporters point of view. Be informed as well as authoritative to attract the readers and the potential industry partners, whom you can trust as the source of travel information. Assume you are the reader, and come to that level of engagement, creative posts, and usefulness.

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