Amazing Natural Ways To Remove Upper Lip Hair Permanently


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Remove Upper Lip Hair
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Every girl understands the plight of having to make multiple salon visits to keep that pesky upper lip hair growth at bay. It is a confidence breaker and we dread the day it starts to grow back again. But, what if We told that you can get rid of these unwanted hair naturally and permanently? Don’t believe us? Read it for yourself. 10 best upper lip hair removal techniques at home.

1. Egg Whites-

Egg whites
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Egg whites
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This is an effective do at home remedy with very simple ingredients.

You will need-

  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Tbsp Cornflour
  • 1 Tbsp Sugar
  • Mixing bowl

How to Use-

  1. Break the egg into the bowl and separate the yellow part
  2. Mix the cornflour and sugar together and make a paste.
  3. Apply a thick layer over your upper lip and let it dry
  4. Peel it off after it dries.


You should repeat this procedure at least twice a week for a few months. On repeated use, you will notice that the hair growth reduces and also the coarse hair stops growing altogether. The egg white contains protein and collagen which help your hair follicle to ease.

2. Gram Flour-

Gram Flour
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This is a time tested age old remedy our grandmothers have been using even before the advent of waxing. This is a nourishing way to remove the unwanted hair and also cause no harm to the sensitive face skin.

You will need-

  • 2 Tbsp Gram flour
  • 1/2 Tsp Turmeric
  • Water

How to Use-

  1. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl to make a thick paste
  2. Apply this paste over your skin and let it dry.
  3. After it dries completely scrub it against the direction of your hair growth.
  4. Using a gentle hand and wipe it with water afterwards.


You can repeat this process twice a week. This is one of the best way to remove upper lip hair as it cause minimal damage and gives the best results. It is a miracle permanent upper lip hair removal technique, and it gives you blackheads free skin.

3. Corn Flour and Milk-

Corn flour and milk
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This technique also tells you how to remove hair from upper lip naturally. It is another hassle free way for removing the hair on lips.

You will need-

  • 1 Tbsp Cornflour
  • 2 Tbsp milk
  • Mixing bowl

How to Use-

  1. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl to make a thick paste
  2. Apply this paste over your skin and let it dry.
  3. After it dries peel it off slowly.


This works wonderfully as the cornflour form a sticky paste which holds the hair firmly while peeling off and hence it removes even smaller facial hair. It can be repeated twice a week and it’s regular use in removing upper lip hair will make hair growth very less.

4. Turmeric and milk-

Turmeric and milk
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Turmeric has multiple health and beauty benefits for your body and this is just one of its many good uses. Turmeric has natural skin lightening properties.

You will need-

  • 1 Tbsp Turmeric.
  • 1 Tbsp Milk.

How to Use-

  1. Mix Milk and turmeric together to form a paste.
  2. Apply this paste over your skin and let it dry.
  3. After it dries completely scrub it gently against the hair growth.
  4. Wipe it with water afterwards and repeat once every week.


Milk is a natural moisturizer. It helps in nourishing the skin and turmeric helps in cleansing. Regular usage of this pack will help in natural thinning of facial hair.

5. Turmeric and water-

Turmeric and waterThis remedy is exactly like the Turmeric and milk remedy but we replace the milk with water. As for women with oily skin which is prone to break out. Milk can act as a source of oil and extra moisture and cause the skin to break out.

Hence for Oily skinned beauties, you should repeat the above same procedure but with water instead of milk.

6. Gram flour, yogurt, and turmeric-

Gram flour, yogurt and turmeric
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This is a herbal natural technique which is helpful also in improving the skin texture. The turmeric will bring a glow to your face and the yogurt acts as an astringent. Whereas the gram flour will hold the hair to rip it off.

You will need-

  • 1 Tsp Turmeric.
  • 1Tbsp Yogurt.
  • 1 Tbsp Gram Flour.

How to Use-

  1. Mix Yogurt, Gram flour and turmeric together to form a paste.
  2. Apply this paste over your skin and let it dry.
  3. After it dries, take a damp face towel and wipe slowly against hair growth.
  4. Wipe it with water afterwards and repeat once every week.


This is how you can remove upper lip hair permanently in the most natural way. This is a concoction that deep cleanses and de-clogs your pores. Your hair becomes loose from the root and the growth is stunted. It will slowly stop growing out and your hair growth will reduce miraculously.

8. Potato and lentil-

Potato and lentil
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How to get rid of upper lip hair while in a hurry? Well, this is how. When you have to go somewhere in the morning without having time for a salon visit, just scrub off your upper lip hair with this magic paste. 

You will need-

  • 1 raw Potato
  • 1 /2 cup yellow lentils or moong dal
  • 1 tbsp Honey
  • 2 Lemon.
  • 1 sieve.

How to Use-

  1. Soak the lentils overnight and grind it into a paste in the morning.
  2. Chop the potato and run in through a grinder.
  3. Extract the potato juice by placing it in a sieve.
  4. Now, mix all lentil paste with honey, potato juice and 5 Tbsp of fresh sqeezed lemon juice.
  5. Wash your face with soap and pat it dry.
  6. Now take a pea sized paste and rub it against the growth of upper lip hair.
  7. Keep taking more and repeating the steps
  8. Wash it off when done.


Potato is an excellent bleaching and skin lightening agent. Honey and lentil will hold the hair and peel it off. Vit. C in the lemon will lighten the colour of tiny hair that do not get removed. It is a way to see instant results and it is best to repeat this method only when the growth of hair is visible.

8. Sugar waxing-

Sugar waxing
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For ladies who are too lazy to make a paste and put up, here is a way in which you can make this sugar wax and preserve it for multiple uses. Little effort amazing results.

You will need-

  • 1 cup Sugar
  • 1/2 cup lemon juice.
  • 1 Popsicle stick
  • Waxing strip.

How to Use-

  1. Take a pan and mix all the sugar and lemon juice together.
  2. Heat the mix on medium flame till it simmers.
  3. Reduce the flame to low and heat it till it turns golden brown and removes from heat.
  4. Your sugar wax is ready. You can store it in a jar for multiple uses.
  5. Use a Popsicle stick to apply wax over your upper lip.
  6. Place a wax strip and press in direction of hair, pull off the wax in opposite direction of the hair.


This is a homemade wax that has zero preservatives and you can vary its consistency according to yourself. A little wax goes a long way and you can save a lot of time and money you otherwise require for a salon treatment.

9. Gelatin Peel off Mask-

This is one very simple DIY mask very trending these days for quick hair removal. You will see instant hair removal on applying this and you’ll love how simple it is yo make too.

You will need-

  • 1 tbsp Unflavored granulated Gelatin or gelatin sheets.
  • 2 tbsp milk.
  • Popsicle stick
  • Microwave safe bowl.

How to Use-

  1. In a microwaveable bowl mix gelatin and milk together.
  2. Microwave it for 15 seconds and remove.
  3. Let it turn warm and apply quickly over upper lip or even a full clean face.
  4. Let it dry and peel it off to see amazing results.


This instant mask has a lot of rave reviews and has delivered great results for a lot of ladies. You should be careful not to apply it near your eyebrows and also not to consume it.

This mask reduces hair growth permanently and instantly.

10. Epistick-

EpistickThreading is the most painful technique of upper lip hair removal. It has one of the most smooth finishes as it rips off every single hair growth and gives a great result. But not everyone can do it.

But this great product will make your life much much easier as it gives similar results with no skill required.

  • Just bent the stick and place it close to your hair
  • Then release a bit until hair is trapped.
  • Then twist or pull to remove hair.

It is a wonderful option for quick fixes and when you don’t have enough growth to go to a salon.

These were the most trusted safe and natural ways to get rid of upper lip hair naturally and permanently. Hopefully, this exhaustive list has answered your how to remove upper lip hair question, and removing upper lip hair has just become so much easier.

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After following, all my dreams in life. I have always found myself coming back to writing. Be it about my travel adventures or my undying love for fashion and beauty. With a knack for all things fancy, I am constantly in search for the best fashion trends and age old beauty secrets, And as someone who considers herself a voracious reader, finding just the right advice isn’t that hard. With love for my pen, and my heart in the clouds I wish to make the world a prettier place to be.