10 Signs That Shows You Are Still In Love With Your Ex


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10 Signs That Shows You Are Still In Love With Your Ex

Love in the air turns out into there is no love when you have bad experiences in a relationship. This change is not for everyone. Even though the other side of the relationship is happy to leave and live life normally, you stay their dreams.

You may feel sorry even to utter the word ex when someone faces the recent breakup. But when there is love, everything sounds sweet.

Here are some of the signs that let you know that you are still in love with your ex. Some of the signs are sweet and some are silly. But deep inside it is your pain and true feeling. Now, you will no more wait to read the signs of still in love with your ex. That is all fine to read and say yes for everything.

Are You Still In Love With Your Ex?- These Signs Tell You If Your Are

1. You check his social media accounts

You check his social media accounts

Technology is not letting you get out of his thoughts. If it is a hectic day for, you give a visit to his profile once. If you are not occupied with any work, then you look at every post and photo that is posted on his profile. You stalk him to know what he is up to. This is a clear sign that you still want him in your life. It can also be a sign that you still love him.

2. You run and check the mobile whenever it vibrates or rings

You run and check the mobile whenever it vibrates or ringsLovers would also stay in touch via SMS and calls. These services of mobile phone keep the relationship stay live. So, whenever your phone is lighting or vibrating, you expect and wish it was from him. This is the most painful feeling ever which you cannot stop or easily come out from. It is a sweet wait of messages from your boyfriend and it is a painful wait when you are expecting from your ex.

3. In his low times, you wish you there with him

In his low times, you wish you there with himWhen you get to know about his job loss or anything else, you feel that you were beside him. It is not just that it makes you feel sorry for him. But you want to support him genuinely still. You still have a concern for him. It can also be concern out of your humanity and good heart. Of course, you must show that unconditional concern for someone. But if it is overflowing, then it can be love.

4. Tracks on your playlist reminds him

Tracks on your playlist reminds himJust to have some peace of mind, you may on music but it also remind of him. Even understand and smile the lyrics and you also smile at the lyrics. When everything is there remind you of him, that means you are still in love with your ex. Any love song that you are listening reminds your moments spent together.

5. You only remember good times in your relationship

You only remember good times in your relationshi

Generally, after the breakup, you stay away from each other. You cannot be the same like before. And for this, all you need to do is think the bad side of your relationship. But when you are in love with your ex still, you only remember the good moments in your relationship.

You also remember his good qualities like loyal, loving and caring.

6. You don’t give any other guys a chance

You dont give any other guys a chance

You must move on from the breakup taking your time. But you will not able to move on and you don’t give others guys a chance. When you already have someone on your mind constantly, how would you even let someone reoccupy the place? You are so conscious to say a no when a guy is trying to hit on you. You also make it clear for the other guys that you are not ready for it.

7. You re-read your messages and chat with him

You re-read your messages and chat with him

You kept the messages and chats saved. Now, you take the time to read your own chat and smile at it. You may also burst out reading the messages. This is a sign that is showing that you love his presence and companion. The love messages that exchanged a couple are always sweet. And you love to re-read your love messages which reminds you the best times you had. If your last chat was painful, then it makes you feel sad again.

8. You are still conscious when he is around you

You are still conscious when he is around you

You go conscious when your ex is around you. You try to still present your best looks. You are all conscious of your attitude and expressions. Until you want to impress the man with your attitude and look, you would not be self conscious. So, this can be a sign that shows, you are still in love with your ex.

9. You still wish he is single

You still wish he is single

Yes! If you are in love with the man still, you may wish he is single. Like it shown in the movies, to wish he gets a deserving girl, may not be every woman’s wish. The reality is different from movies. So, you wholeheartedly wait for him to be single. And you get to know that he got into the a new relationship, this gives you pain and jealous also.

When you hate your ex and not love, then you want him to be single forever. That is not a wish but a curse out of hatred on him.

10. You daydream about him

You daydream about him

You still dream about him which is hard to not do. You restrict yourself not think about him but his thoughts chase you. Getting to his thoughts and dreams is a strong sign that you are still love him.

11. You find reasons to contact him

You find reasons to contact him

This is not a hidden sign that you can leave it without noticing. It is a sign that show you are falling for your ex still. When you get a chance to meet or contact him back, you do it happily. And if, there is no chance of him getting back to you, you find reasons to contact him.

May he deserves you, that is why you are making efforts to contact him. If he don’t deserve then move on lady!

12. You compare him with others

You compare him with othersYou tend to compare people in your life. Not only ex but you friends and colleagues as well. These common human psychologies make you do all this. But don’t blame the psychologies much. Just realize that you are still in love with your ex and that is making you compare with others.

You may get thoughts that he cared better for you or he was a responsible and loyal guy.

Love is not to fade away that is easily. You are secretly in love with your ex and these are the signs that let you know that you are still living in the past. When you choose to love a person, you must be ready to face the reality and move on if it is not working. Your stay in the past gives you pain. You either make a move or go back to him. Either of the solutions are better than suffering.

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