Tips To Get Dimples Naturally Without Surgery


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Dimples Naturally Without Surgery

Most people regards dimple as an amazing sign of beauty. Whether it is in women or men. Dimples are nothing much than a small indentation over the cheeks which is shown when a person smile. Scientifically, dimples happen because of the deformity of the minor muscle that make the skin of the cheek to draw tight. This deformation creates external divots.

It is also known to be genetically inherited trait in the human being which they have received from one of the family members as well as ancestors. There are many people who are not born with the dimples. But, if they want to get dimples on the cheeks, then even this can be done naturally. It can also be done through various methods starting from simple make up mechanism to that of a surgery.

Some women are fond of this type of image and start making it on the face with different techniques. They sometimes also go for a surgery in the desperation. Here are some tips to get dimples naturally without surgery.

Get Dimples Naturally Without Surgery

1. How To Get Dimples With Makeup

How To Get Dimples With MakeupSmile and mark the position on where exactly you want to place the dimple. Even if you do not have dimples, a natural crease can be formed outside the mouth. Dimples are quite likely to form on those type of creases. You must try smiling broadly with open heart so that the dimple can be formed when the makeup falls over a particular position. A proper idea to develop about where the cosmetic dimples must be so that the it can look natural after the makeup is done completely.

This is one of the process through which temporary dimples can easily be formed. You just need to mark a dot with the help of the eye liner or brown pencil. If you can use a dark brown pencil, it can work much better as it can blend properly with the skin. It is better if you avoid colored or even black eye liner.

a. A small crescent moon shape

Once when you have placed the dot over the cheek, the next step must be to draw a small curve. It is ideal if you can use the same pencil or an eye liner which you have used to mark the dot. You can also extend the line to an inch below the point that you have previously marked. The curve that is to be adopted must be straight as compared to that of the finger nails.

b. Adjusting the lines

This step is also necessary if you are a kind of perfectionist. If you are drawing out a dimple, you must not place the dimples on both the cheeks in a different position. Thus, a cross check of this position is also very important. If you see any mistake with regards to the drawing, it is necessary for the adjustment of lines. You can even rub the line and re-draw wherever it is necessary.

c . Eye shadow and blush

Once when the line as well as pointer is being placed in a perfect position, the next step is to use the eye shadow and the blush. A makeup man or beautician can do it in a best way. They can use both the blush and eye shadows in a way on the cheeks that, you are definitely to get a dimple effect, even if you do not have a dimple.

2. How To Get Dimples With Exercise

How To Get Dimples With ExerciseIt is a way on how a person can form a dimple in the cheeks naturally. As you do exercising, you get the muscle as well as six packs, just like that getting a dimple over the cheeks is also easy now-a-days.

a. Dimple exercise 1 – Puck the lips and suck the cheeks in

Just try to imagine the mouth when you have tasted something sour like lemon or even tamarind. This time your lips will look like puckered and the cheeks will be get sucked in. Even it can affect the teeth and the lips remain close.

You must try placing the cheeks in such a way that it must naturally indent inward which can rest in between the teeth to be placed at the top as well as at bottom.

You also need to eat or drink something sour so that the lips and cheeks come to a natural pose that is being desired.

b. Dimple exercise 2 – Press and hold indentation

First you try to locate the places on the cheeks where the indentations are the most deepest. Now try to hold these spots on the cheeks gently with a help of your index fingers both the sides. While pressing in that position try to keep on speaking or smiling or carry on something else. You can also use the end of two pencils or your thumb end to hold the place on the cheeks where you wish to get the dimple.

c. Dimple exercise 3- Re-position of the fingers

You need to make an ease on the expression by keeping the fingers fixed on a positions where you want to place the dimple. At the time of placing, you must try to smile whole heartedly. It is also important to note that natural dimples also appear when anyone smiles.

If you want to check on the appearance, it is always better to stay in front of the mirror and get position of the dimple. You can adjust the finger tips up as well as down if you feel that the location of the finger tip is not having perfect position.

3. How To Get Dimples With Piercing

How To Get Dimples With PiercingYou can get dimples in the cheeks with help of piercing but there is also a risk of infection after the piercing. So, you need to be very careful as well as maintain the so formed dimple after the piercing is done properly. It is good to not to try out the cheek piercing at home; rather it is very important to contact a professional piercer to get it done successfully.

You may also need to clear the cheeks before piercing. Must always use an anti bacterial soap in order to clean all the exterior of the skin.

The tools that are used for the piercing must be cleaned after using as there is always a good chance of infection during this procedure of the piercing. If a needle has been used at the time of the piercing, then heating the needle is really very important. Even the piercer must wear disposable gloves.

Maintaining of the skin is important after you are done with the piercing. It is very important to clean the area with some saline water. Try to do it every day till it gets healed completely. But, while you are making the saline water, it is important to use the distilled water.

You can apply that saline water on dimples by dipping with cotton wool. You must also leave piercing for a period of three months, so that it is completely materialized. This might also provide the cheeks with an ample amount of time where it can get time to heal. Once the cheek is completely healed, you get the dimple like an indentation on the cheeks where you have the piercing. But, you must not go for the piercing if you are having allergy on the skin. It is better to not use any cheaper variety of jewelry at the time of the piercing.