Different kinds of Colleagues you will bump everyday at office


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Office Workers

If you are working in an office that is filled with people and you are finding out who is like what, then you will find this article useful. The Office is a fun place if you think about it. So many unknown faces, bump everyday at the office for achieving one ultimate goal. Well, not just that, each one is different and has a different kind of mindset. So, things are ought to be funny when they all work together. Isn’t it? You will obviously have the funny one, the serous one, the complaint box, and the flirtiest one and so many examples that can go on and on. It could turn out to be a nightmare to work with such different characters. So, here we are to tell you the different kinds of colleagues that you will bump everyday at the office.

So Many Kinds of Colleagues You Bump Everyday at Office

1‘I am the great one’

I am the great one

This guy will probably pin you down with his ideologies and his facts that he has probably read by heart and doesn’t let you share your opinions over his. He is the one who thinks he knows everything and is a stubborn head. He doesn’t budge to your ideas, nor does he consider them even if they are kick ass. This kind of a guy would probably be the boss or your colleague who stayed in the office for a number of years. That’s when they get the rights and the courage to put everyone else down and think that he is the king of the office.

2The phone irritator

The phone irritator

This guy’s job could be about talking to people and convincing them about his office projects or targets. But, what irritates is that, you never know if he is talking to you or on the phone. It is easy that he will have a Bluetooth attached to his ears and all of a sudden, he starts talking to people on the phone while he is still talking to you. You will understand that he is talking to someone only after 2-3 minutes, until which you would be wondering why he is going off topic suddenly. This could be the funniest character in office talking all by himself.

3The negative one

The negative one

This guy or group could be the ones who find fault in everything anyone does. From coffee to project assignments, they end up finding faults at each other. It definitely doesn’t mean that they will be right in what they do. Even if they are at fault, they will try and do the blame game. They are not appreciative and are bad examples of leaders.

4The foodies

The foodies

More than office work hours, they spend time drinking tea, having snacks or at least talking about food. They go to every desk to check if anyone has got anything interesting for them to eat and do so without even having the basic courtesy to ask the person before fishing out food. They plan the best team lunches our outings because they know everything about the food section and what tastes good in which area. They are usually the ones who love to plan the dinners too.

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5The boss’s chamcha

The boss’s chamcha

He would be the boss’s right hand and update the boss with everything that happens in the office. You might not about this guy until you have fallen under his prey. He will keep the boss updated about every single thing happening around the office. They usually feel pride to be the boss’s right hand.

6The gossip queen and king

The gossip queen and king

This is the kind that is there in every office. They talk and talk and gossip about everybody around them. They don’t care who they talk about, or how the other person feels about it. They are happy as long as they get a topic to chat and talk about. It mostly is a ‘she’, so you tend to ask her whenever you need some information because she is a wealth of knowledge that is around.

7The goal oriented ones

The goal oriented ones

This kind of a person doesn’t really bother what happens in and around the office. As long as their work is not disturbed, they don’t care who talks what about them. They are very goal oriented and like to stick to just their work and business. They don’t trouble people, nor would like to get troubled by others. They are usually the calm ones.

8The cool ones

The cool ones

These people are generally cool and composed and know how to balance work and life together. They don’t really bother about the pressure because they know how to handle it. They are quite a bunch who likes to go out for coffees, but also finish work on time so that they don’t get a bad name in the office. They are sometimes the perfect kinds that would make up the leadership ladder sooner.

-Pavithra Ravi

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