6 Good deeds to do for others which will satisfy you


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Good deeds

When you brighten someone else’s day, you would be satisfied with creating a more fulfilling life for yourself. You can’t really imagine anything more satisfying than knowing that you had a positive impact on someone’s life as a result of your kind efforts. It would be great if you try to take out some time out of your day to help someone or engage in activities, which will let you improve your own well-being. You might never know this or see it, but it will help you attract a little good karma every now and again. Here are few good deeds you can do that will certainly make you to be a happy and a satisfied person.

Good Deeds You Can Do To Feel Good

1Buy some food for a stranger

food for a stranger

You always get time and situation and mainly opportunities in life to help someone and you can’t deny that at all. Actually helping others with food is one of the most amazing things you can do. There is no satisfaction for anything in this world, but when it comes to food, people always tend to say enough. If you have a few bucks left in your pocket for the day, then you can keep in mind that there’s someone who has less than you do and you can very much gift them food. It will be greatly appreciated by the person. The next time you order something, try to look around or outside the restaurant and see if you can help someone. If you can, then get them a portion of food – doesn’t matter what. Just give it to him/her with a smile. Start helping them and you will feel satisfied all through your day.

2Just a thank you is not enough

thank you

Wouldn’t you be satisfied and happy that you are doing a good job? Well, that’s the same feeling others get when you try to tip someone else for their good work. Try to start your day or week on a great note and satisfaction. Leave a big tip, sometimes when you feel you have enjoyed every bit of their service or your meal. That way, you can be sure that the person is going to not only feel happy, but is also going to give you back a great service when you come back the next time.

3Give your sister a break from mommy hood

Give your sister a break

You can definitely have a million complaints about your sister, but when it comes to taking care of your niece or nephew, it might not look as a big deal. Try to ask your sister if she would like to have a night off from her kids. If she is working and had a long day at work or if she is busy with other chores, try to give her a break and offer to take the extra stress off her hands for a few hours. You won’t know until you experience, but every parent can appreciate a break to be by themselves once in a while. This way you have your alone time with your niece/nephew and you will feel good for the break you are giving your sister.

4Donate some of your old clothes

Donate cloths

It is great to donate when you have a lot of clothes that you are not wearing. The donations will help you give something to people, which will make you feel proud of yourself. Always try to think of other’s perspective as well. So, give the items that you think you deserve less, so that others are benefitted by the donation. You should be able to think of the people who need these items more than you do. It is good to shop at stores where the clothing is affordable, so that you don’t have to give away the costly ones and feel bad about it. When clothes are affordable, your mind can afford to give it away without regretting the donation or charity.

5Adopt and don’t buy a puppy

buy a puppy

Many a times you tend to buy pet puppies instead of adopting one. But, there are so many animal shelter places where unwanted pets need a home to stay and feel secure. If you have always wanted to give a home to a lucky puppy, then adopt a cute little cocker spaniel and consider it to be your lucky day!

6Prayers can go up

Prayers can go up

You don’t have to designate a particular day for visiting the temple, church or mosque. There are tons of temples that are open every single day, churches that have ministries who are targeted at everyone and all age groups and mosques that have their own timetable for each day. All of this, depends on the comfort you find in a place so that you can welcome the feeling. It is basically for yourself that you are doing, so don’t see anything wrong with that! It is easy to accomplish all of this with little thought and prayer in mind.

[Read Religious Places in India]

The above list entitles you to be willing to commit to at least one a day to feel satisfied. These good deeds can be done together as well with a friend who can join you. It would be nice to keep each other posted on your progress. Right? So, get started and enjoy all the good deeds you will handle to do. Giving to others equals receiving from god. Don’t forget that!

-Pavithra Ravi