Four kinds of survival tips to get over a break up


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Break up

It all starts with a loud cry and endless shots of tequila, but getting dumping or breaking up will never make you feel fine until you know what to do. Well, you may want to curl up to a bed and just sleep or read a book and not think about anything, but all you end up doing is just thinking and crying, of course. How does it matter if it was a long-term relationship or a short-lived cyber affair, anything that involves something like an unrequited love and breaking of it, will always make you feel bad and nasty. If you are a person who mostly cared and connected with him then you are going to end up feeling a deep and painful void where there was once laughter and affection. Yes, breakup is literally everything falling apart and a painful small death.

The thought that you will get over will come from within only if you take some efforts to do so. So, there is some kind of survival tips that we are going to give you today so that you can get over a break up easily. You have start off and move out of the zone that you are in and catch up on with life. You should start ever single day with that kind of intention. Don’t let nights ruin you or your emotional self at all. If you are struggling, then here are some of the breakup survival tips that you can use.

Some Survival Tips for You to Move On

1Tip 1 – Physical change



Well, your first tip can start with Meditating and not with medicating. You could try and actually put to use of avoiding over usage of drugs/alcohol or cigarettes. Don’t try to do what others say like having a drink or eating a quart of ice cream because that could only end up causing you to spiral down into a depression and make you lose weight or gain weight. Instead, put all your negative energy into positive by taking a five minute break from all this and quietly sit and meditate or practice yoga. Deep breathing helps too!

Eat and sleep

Eat and sleepMake sure you eat fine and on regular basis. If you give yourself some break, you will know that your body can’t function properly without the proper nutrition. Make sure you avoid or skip any meals. Like eating, sleeping is also very important. There is no use of you being an insomniac, so not sleeping is only going to hurt you more.

2Tip 2 – Emotional change

Feel it

Feel it

Never make it a point to ignore or stuff them down without feeling it. It is fine to cry or tet the tears flow or express your anger. Do you know that if you ignore your emotions, it will make it more aggressive or scared? Well, put your feelings in such a way that you re-read it again and again. So, you can start either a blog or just write on your diary as to how you feel. Within no matter of time, you will feel relieved that you have something to count on or write on. After few days, you may feel all this is just stupid and turn your writing into your own blog. Who knows, right?

[Also know – If you can save the relationship, then how to patch up with your boyfriend after a breakup]

Be surrounded

Be surroundedMake sure you are surrounded with people who love you and vice versa. Also, make sure you are with the right kind of people. Break ups can sometimes make you feel like going for a bad company, so be safe with that. Play some games, go out and enjoy the breeze once in a while, take a walk with your talk, visit your relatives or cousins. Stuff like this will get you through tough times. Make sure you are surrounded by people who will help you with uplifting yourself. Don’t be surrounded by people who are unhappy and will just pull you down for no reason.

Did you know that studies say that if you smile or laugh the breakup out, you will not feel so bad? It will start to uplift your mood instantly and you can feel fine within minutes. So, don’t worry at all if you think you are doing weird stuff by laughing or playing games. It is totally acceptable. It is not written in the myth that you should be upset because you broke up.

3Tip 3 – Mental change

Don’t obsess

Don’t obsess

The first thing to putting all this behind and moving forward is to learn how not to obsess! Well, if you are a person who keeps questioning all those obsessive thoughts and instant replays of would have or could have or should have, then you have to say no and stop now. If you really wish to stop it, then you should take the efforts to stop. But if your thoughts don’t let you stop, then you got to say it out loud ‘STOP IT NOW’. This is what you should say loud so that you hear yourself out. When you hear out yourself, you will know that you have to definitely stop and that you are out of control. You will know that you have a problem and you don’t want to have. So, try saying it so that the words interrupt the obsessive thought process and breaks the cycle of pain. Change your mind or move it away so that your thoughts would go away. You can instead think of a nice moment that happened, which can be more coveting for you.

Play a game

Play a gameThere is a game that is called as the ‘60-second vacation’. Did you firstly know that if you think of something relaxing and if you verbalize your calming statements, you will start to heal yourself? It in fact also helps you reduce the anxiety levels. So, try to take a deep breath and make sure you say it loud enough for you to hear it. Say ‘I am fine and calm. I can handle this like a woman and this can get past me’. If you don’t want to embarrass yourself by saying it loud in the public, then try to at least lip these words. You can also change your mind by smelling a flower or petting an animal. That way you can help yourself and take off your mind from the breakup or your ex boyfriend. If it feels better, keep saying that he is your ex boyfriend and things are over between the two of you. That could help too.

4Tip 4 – Spiritual change



A lot can happen after a breakup. A lot can be felt and a lot of things may change the way you feel or think. But you know what is amazing in the spiritual world? Gratitude! It is quite hard to feel grateful and depressed at the same time and to feel that and do it, it is quite amazing. You should know that the most important thing about gratitude is that, it can easily and very soon transform a person’s pain into love and bring peace to your emotional chaos. You should probably think of all the things and times you are grateful for. It is even better if you can pen them down. If you can write it down and then read it for yourself, you will know that the strategy starts to really works miracles in bringing you out of any gloomy mood.



Did you know that the studies have shown that people who are likely to give are the ones who are really happy? Well, when you give, you see the smile on someone else’s face or the words they say will make you feel happy. A small example of this kind is the recent Chennai floods where people helped unknown people and survived with a happy ending of saving so many lives. So, If you are depressed at any point or if you are worried about what your next steps are, you can often notice that there is always stress and a high degree of focus on the self. It will help you better if you focus on the needs of others because that will help shift your thinking and your mood from victimhood to empowerment.

Remember that when you are feeling alone or lonely after your break up, you will have to feel fine immediately because no matter what you think, you will come back feeling the same. So, have a lot of activities that you want to do like exercising or visiting your friends or going out on dinner or meeting your cousins etc. Don’t keep yourself isolated at all because isolation can make you take bad decisions which you will regret in the future. So, talk to someone and feel comfortable sharing it with someone who can understand your feeling. Bring it all out and start fresh because that is something you might need the most.

-Pavithra Ravi