10 Fitness Tips for Beginners


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Fitness Tips for Beginners

A woman has many roles in her life. She is a mother, a homemaker, a CEO, a daughter, a sister and the best friend. There are a lot of responsibilities due to which she is not able to take care of her health. But when is it your turn and time when you take care of your health. It’s the time when you decide you are number one and put charge. It is not necessary to be thin, but it is compulsory to be fit and healthy. If you are obese or have baby fat, and you want to start your weight loss journey. Congratulations for taking a new step. But before you start, here are some fitness tips for beginners you need to follow as you are going to start a new routine.

Fitness Tips for Beginners

1Pay Attention to your Diet

Pay Attention to your Diet

Fitness tips for beginners should start by taking the right food at the right time. If you think that by skipping meals you are going to get that size zero figure, you are completely wrong. Eating food at the right time is the best thing to do. Eating late will only harm your health in long run and make you more prone to health issues. Eat more frequent, but small meals.

2Bring out the Iron

Bring out the Iron

Iron and folic acid are important because they help your body produce red blood cells and also keep the nerves and muscles function properly. To get your daily dose of iron and folic acid you should include foods like green leafy vegetables, beans, citrus fruits, juices and chicken in your diet. Meat is the best source of iron.

3Get Some Calcium

Get Some Calcium

Calcium helps to strengthen our bones. As women age, they tend to lose calcium from bones, which could lead to arthritis. In order to keep the calcium levels up, do include food like milk, curd and eggs in your diet.

4Get Moving

Get Moving

Your body and health often get neglected, in a rush to meet a deadline and eating out becomes a daily routine. It is highly important to undergo some kind of physical exercise in order to keep your body fit. Sitting on a chair for long hours, staring at a computer screen can lead to various health problems. So, do not sit for long hours. Even half an hour of exercise daily is good.

5Hook on to Cardio

Hook on to Cardio

To stay fit and maintain heart health, do cardio exercise. If you cannot join a gym due to lack of time, try something simple at home like taking stairs instead of the lift, or just try some normal stretching exercises. You could also take up physical activities like swimming, pilates, yoga, running etc. You can also opt for a fun routine like Zumba.

6Pump it up

Pump it up

Most women believe that if they weight train, they will end up looking muscular and get biceps. However, that is a myth. Weight training is good for women because it helps in building lean muscles, boosts your metabolism as well as tightens your skin. It also Just to set the records straight, men who build muscles can do so because of the testosterone in their body. So, it is impossible to look muscular or get that much muscles as men do. Weight training helps you increasing your stamina as well as it also targets problem areas like the hips, the inner thighs and the back. So, forget all the myths attached to weight training and go and pump it up.

7Get some me Time

Get some me Time

Take some time out only for yourself from all your day to day work. It will help you replenish your senses and rejuvenate your mood. You can do things like read a book or go on a long drive, write poems or even listen to some soothing music. You may not realize it, but by doing this you will actually relax your mind and let go all pent up stress.

8Keep Track of your Health

Keep Track of your Health

They are no signs so that you can know if you are suffering from any hidden illness. Early detections always lead to better treatment. Some of the tests that all women aged above 25 should get themselves cleaned for are bone mineral density, STD, cervical cancer, breast cancer, diabetes etc. You know your body the best. So, if you notice anything unusual, go and visit the doctor.

9Cut Down Drinking Alcohol

Cut Down Drinking Alcohol

Going for a casual drink once in a while has become a trend for many urban women. But what you must need to remember is not to go overboard because anything excess is not good for you. Women should not have more than 2-3 units of alcohol a day or 14 units a week. These units are calculated depending on how strong the drink is and also the amount of alcohol it contains.

10Kick the Butt

Kick the Butt

While any amount of smoking is bad, it may be difficult to stop it all together. So, cut down little by little until you have the urge to smoke any longer. Think about all the harm you are causing to your lungs every time you step out to smoke.

Just follow these 10 simple fitness tips for beginners and you will become superwomen looking fit and healthy.