7 Signs That Prove You Have A Crush On Your Best Friend


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Crush On Your Best Friend
Image Source: www.cineplex.com

Everybody has a friend is their life who becomes their biggest treasure. Slowly he becomes a part of your family, and at times, even closer. And the best thing about this friendship is that it has no boundaries, you can be your true self in front of him and yet never get judged.

But, do you feel like your equation with your friend has recently changed? Do you miss him more? Do you wait for his calls? Well, if you are here and reading this, you already doubt whats happening. But to ascertain if you actually have a crush on your best friend. Here are a few signs to look out for.

1. Even a simple text from him makes you weirdly excited-

Even a simple text from him
Image Source: www.divazine.com

Well, it should not be difficult to miss this sign. A simple “Hey.” from him gets you more excited than a new game of thrones episode. You feel butterflies in your stomach every time you see a text from him. You take time in typing out the perfect reply and then wait till you receive its reply. If you’re in this texting roller coaster throughout the time you text? Girl, you have some major feelings for your friend.

Also, Read: 10 Golden Rules of A Relationship

2. You laugh at all his jokes-

You never realized until now how funny your friend is. You have suddenly started laughing at all his jokes. He cracks you up with even the silliest of jokes and you remember them even at times when you’re alone and you still can’t stop your laughter. Well, chances are that your friend is really funny, But so are the chances that you feel for your friend.

3. When you talk on phone, Time just passes-

When you talk on phone
Image Source: www.autodo.info

You call him up and start talking about random things, you share your day, the latest happenings, the news even and sometimes shares your best-kept secrets, But the moment you glance at the clock you’re shocked to see how much time has passed. You’re amazed how you were talking to him for hours and yet you thought it had just been only a few minutes. If you know this exact feeling, you have a deep bonding crush.

4. You know every detail of his day-

We understand that you don’t intentionally call him 5 times a day. It is definitely for some work you just remembered, or some thing you really wanted to share before you forgot, we know you have the best intentions. But suddenly, you find yourself involuntarily calling him more no of times and subsequently knowing everything he did, what he had for lunch? and where he plans to go that evening? And you’re like his diary and know almost every tiny detail of his day. We highly suggest you introspect your friendship. We are sure you will find some “crushing over your best friend” traces.

5. You try to dress up nice before you meet him-

You try to dress up nice
Image Source: http://www.styl.pl

So earlier meeting your friend was just about getting yourself up from your bed and out of the house. But now it involves a shower, a hair up-do, a touch of makeup and also a cute dress to go with it. Umm, We are not saying you shouldn’t dress good, But if meeting your friend involves planning 2 days in advance to wear the perfect attire and yet trying to look just really casual, You dear friend, have all the signs that you have a crush on your best friend.

6. You get jealous when he hangs out with other girls-

You get jealous when he hangs
Image Sourece: www.sweetyhigh.com

You were fine with hanging out in a group till now, but suddenly girls giggling on your best friends joke make you feel weirdly jealous. You try to act really normal and calm but you have started disliking the ones that he sees every day. And it makes you sad that they get to see your friend so often. You don’t want to tell him to stop but you do not like that he does. Well, in that case, You definitely are crushing on strong.

7. You could do anything for him-

Maybe you are in general a helpful person. You help all your friends with stuff, and you also end up doing so for your best friend. But off late you want to go to every length to help him with his most insignificant ideas and make sure that he has what he wants. Be it driving down a few more kilometers to just that one shop he like his pastries from. If you find yourself doing all of it just naturally. You really must like this person.

Everyone likes to be around their best friends. And we love spending time with them all, but if you have recently started feeling specially close to one special person, just check for these signs. And if you find yourself doing most of these, You might want to reconsider calling him a friend. We have a suggestion, How about a crush?

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After following, all my dreams in life. I have always found myself coming back to writing. Be it about my travel adventures or my undying love for fashion and beauty. With a knack for all things fancy, I am constantly in search for the best fashion trends and age old beauty secrets, And as someone who considers herself a voracious reader, finding just the right advice isn’t that hard. With love for my pen, and my heart in the clouds I wish to make the world a prettier place to be.