Facts about M.S Dhoni that will surprise you


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MS Dhoni

Are you cricket fanatic? Do you know everything about our Indian captain M.S Dhoni? Well, we bet you that there could be one or two things that you might not be aware off. Team India though has lost its first match yesterday in the T20, World cup 2016, there are more and more chances where India can win and leading the group of Indian cricketers is our favorite captain M.S Dhoni. He is known for his quite, stress-free nature. But not many know that Dhoni in fact is a fun, entertaining human being. At the stadium he is the quietest and the most composed person. But, our ‘captain cool’ has a side that’s not a lot of us know about. He had struggled, he was rejected, he was made fun of and so many other things were a part of Dhoni’s life.

A true inspiration to millions of Indians, a great mentor for a team, a wonderful husband for Sakshi and a great dad for Ziva! Dhoni has a lot of faces that are hidden. We are going to bring to you a few of those faces and facts about MS Dhonithat might surprise you.

Top Facts of Indian Cricket Captain – M.S Dhoni

1Shifted careers

Shifted careers

Well, we all know that changing careers is not a big deal. Well, it is a big deal if you are changing from an ordinary no-scope sport to cricket. Cricket has always been every man’s dream. They love cricket and they love everything about cricket. But our captain here was never associated with cricket from the beginning at all. M.S Dhoni was a football player in school. Since the wicket-keeper of the school team had not come to school one day, Dhoni was asked to wicket keeping for one match in his school tournament. After his involvement in cricket got bigger and huger, his cricket coach asked Dhoni to join the cricket team and leave the football team. This is how our MSD became interested in cricket in the first place!

2Dhoni’s celebrity crush

Dhoni’s celebrity crush

Not always do you make news for your own skill. This sure happened to Dhoni as well. MSD was making news not for his skills in the international cricket, but for his hairstyle and his attitude. Now, that is definitely not a reason to make headlines. But, it became such a big thing that Pakistan’s then President – Pervez Musharaff had congratulated Dhoni and told him that he was a huge fan of his hairstyle and his attitude. But, where did our captain cool learns to look smart? Dhoni was a huge fan of actor and celebrity John Abraham, who was booming in his career back then.

Dhoni loved John’s hairstyle and attitude and tried to do the same thing with him. Till today, both of them are still the best of friends.

3A ticket collector

A ticket collector

Like we already said, there are so many faces to a person and definitely more when it comes to a celebrity. Nobody becomes a celebrity overnight. Everyone gets to undergo their share of pain, sufferings and hard work. Only then, can you think of money and fame. The same thing was the case with our Indian captain. He was the ticket collector at the Kharagpur railway station with which he used to support his parents and his family. He was still representing Bihar in the Ranji Trophy in the year 2002-2004. Isn’t that why you still see the humility and the modesty in his character, even today on and off screen?

4Only captain to win…

Only captain to win…

Not everyone gets to be the captain unless they get to know how to handle a team. When you know the team, you know every individual in the team. Once, Indian lead bowler – Ashwin Ravichandran told the media that he would fall from the 20th floor if Dhoni asks him to do so without doubting or asking questions. Isn’t that enough reason as to how much Indian team mates love their captain? Dhoni is always known for his personal touch and his individual attention to everyone. He is the only captain in the entire cricket world to have won all the major ICC tournament cups like – ICC T20 World cup, ICC Champion’s trophy, ICC cricket world cup and so on and so forth.

5A best friend

A best friend

Dhoni has a special friend from his olden days who is a building contractor, even now. When Dhoni has offered him money, his friend did not take the offer. So, our captain has a special work assigned for his dear friend. While we talk about that, you all must know that Dhoni has always been the first person to pick up a wicket after we win the match. Our captain has the habit of taking wickets one by one to his house so that his friend can build a window using just the wickets of matches that India has won. Isn’t that just really cute and amazing about him?

6Dhoni’s personal life

Dhoni’s personal life

Of course we all have a personal life that plays major importance to us. Dhoni’s life is all about his wife, his cute daughter Ziva and his two adorable pets Zarah and Sam. He makes sure to take time to play with his dogs everyday, talks to his daughter and makes sure to spend some quality family time with his beautiful small family. In fact, a lot of fans were upset about his hair cut after having a long hair. Well, Sakshi Dhoni, the beauty of our captain’s life wanted it to be short and wanted him to look more suave. He sure is a handsome hunk isn’t he?

While we gush and smile about all this, let’s also wish the super star and our Indian team a very all the best for the upcoming matches of T20 World Cup 2016. Jai hind!

Know more about our captain cool

-Pavithra Ravi

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