12 Genius Hacks To Make Your Long Distance Relationship Work


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long distance relationship

A lot of people believe that a long distance relationship, doesn’t really work out. It is just a lot of hard work and not many things you can hold on to at the end of the day. Sometimes, a long distance relationship can leave you feeling lonely and heart broken, but with the right long distance relationship advice, you can make these tough years as easy as a cake walk. So to make this difficult years apart easy for you, we have made a list of hacks to virtually shorten your distance and keep you close to your partner through the barrier of time. Here is the list of 12 genius hacks to make your long distance relationship work.

Long distance Relationship Advice

1. Set some ground rules

Set some ground rulesJust like any other relationship, a long distance relationship also has to have a set of rules that apply to both the sides. And while in a normal relationship, the rules may not be said out loud, in a long distance relationship it becomes really important for the couple to chalk out the lines clearly to avoid any confusion. Are you both exclusive or casual? Can you go on casual dates with other people? Do you see any future? Anything specific you do not like your partner doing without your presence and many more. Think of your own lines that need to be drawn. Its simple, Be open and clear rather than being sorry.

2. Keep regularly communicating with tech

Keep regularly communicating with techMake one fixed slot of time in which you will definitely call. If you are in different time zones, find a mid way, where not just one partner is stretching through. Keep to an agreeable time that suits both the partners and try to stick to it as far as possible. On days when you’re stuck, drop in a message to inform. Or if you have a few minutes call and explain. It is always better to make these rules, otherwise communication can be the biggest mess creator in a LDR.

These days there are so many couple apps that you can download to stay in touch with your partner.

many couple apps
Image Source: play.google.com

For example Couple, it is a free app usable on Android and iOS. Couples who have been using these app simply love there Thumbkiss feature, where you can put your thumb on your partner’s thumbprint on the screen and the phone will vibrate. Isn’t that so cute?

Similar apps have ample of features, like letting you share low battery status, tracking your partner location for safety and other secret photo and messenger apps. Give them a try, they are literally answered prayers of the long distance couple.

3. Start something together

Start something togetherFor feeling better connected, you can start doing activities separately but in coordinated. Like cooking together. Put on your video call feature on the phone or your tablet and cook. This makes you feel less disconnected and alone. You can chat and make dinner and share a part of your day with your partner. You can also start watching a TV series together. Not necessarily over phone, but individually. Later when you chat you can share about how you felt. This simple practice keeps your partner, very much a part of your life. If gives you a sense of belonging.

4. Send letters

Send lettersThere can be nothing more romantic than receiving love letters from your partner staying apart. There’s an old world charm in having those beautiful stationery hand written letter from your loved one that you can keep forever and keep going back and reading through all that you went through and felt at that point in time. Make it a point to write some letters every month. It will bring you closer, seeing something in his writing can give you a feeling of having a piece of him to you, and in a long distance relationship you want that no matter what.

5. Schedule skype dates

Schedule skype dates

In a long distance relationship one of the most sad art is you do not get to go on dates. And while every long distance couple wishes to invent a teleportation device to see there partner for just a few moments, that is still not possible ladies. So then how can you go on a date while in a long distance relationship? Well, we have something really cheesy you can do. A Skype Date! Yes. Decide what you both wanna eat, Get the same menu for both and get dressed and create a beautiful ambiance. Put on some music and connect through Skype. It is not the best date but you still don’t feel left out girls. It can be a fun way to laugh and have a great time.

6. Trust

TrustIf you have a strong and serious relationship, nobody needs to tell you this. But if are one of those persons who is still figuring out the commitment level in their relationship, you may have trust issues. If you combine a long distance relationship with doubt, it can be a recipe for disaster. The best long distance relationship advice you will ever get is to trust. You can as such do nothing more. Maintain your faith in the worthy person and you shall never get cheated upon. Trust can not just keep you calm but also make your bond stronger. If you have problem with certain people your partner hangs around with, convey it directly but trust him if he still stays with them. Do not feel jealous, it I only going to make your life miserable.

7. Talk about sex

Talk about sexPhysical intimacy is really an important part of every relationship, and in long distance relationships it can be really frustrating to not have your partner next to you every night. Sex is not just a biological but even an emotional need for everybody. To make intimacy easy for your long distance relationship, talk sex, send flirty messages and break the ice on sex talk. Do not build up a sexual tension. Know that it is completely natural to feel this way and feel free to share it with your partner.

8. Understand and forgive

Understand and forgiveUnderstand that everyday cannot be the same. There can be work commitments, friends and family issues or some really random issues at the last moment. Your partner can sometimes miss your video call or not have time to reply to your extremely mushy texts. In times like these do not get mad, try and understand. Keep a big heart in a long distance relationship and learn to forgive. This is the biggest tip on how to make a long distance relationship work.

9. Send pictures

Send picturesRemember how in old movies, people said you tend to forget faces? Well, it happened then, but now you can send one picture every second just with a click. So make use of this technology and keep reminding your partner how cute and pretty you look every single day. Watching your partner everyday can make you feel less dissociated. Get ready and click pictures, send one every morning. Give him something to scroll through on the way to work, something he can adore when he is alone.

10. Do things together

Do things togetherPursue a hobby together. Even when you’re apart who said you cant do thing together. Find a common interest, something you both want to do and enroll for classes in your own city. Share with him the excitement of learning a new art or a skill. Exchange pictures of you doing it. Keep telling him your learnings, ask him his progress. Share tips. Trust us, it is much more fun that doing it together. This way you get to talk and share every single feeling you had. And when you meet do it together for the first time. Wouldn’t it be exciting?

11. Surprise your partner

Surprise your partnerWho doesn’t love surprises? And when you are in distant relationships, it can mean much more. Send surprise gifts to your partner. Make him feel special, do some extra bit of planning and execute a nice surprise. There are so many portals that have great surprise options and services. Don’t just send flowers, do something crazy. Buy a star on his name, send him a singing choir or make him a movie. Do the extra effort. It can bring you so close together when he sees the effort. This can make your romantic long distance relationship into a stronger one.

12. Make visits

Make visitsWell, we all live for that one moment when you get to be snuggled up close in your partner’s arms and feel like you’re finally home. When you thought of starting a long distance relationship, you had a lot of faith and strength. Slowly with passing time you tend you fall weak, Thinking and assuming things can no more be cute but only become more painful, In such situation make a visit. However small it may be, visit your partner, see him once. Hug him tightly again to discover the same warmth, the same familiar smell and that river of emotion that you had been blocking up all the while, let it just flow.

Well, these were some really tried and tested hacks for long distance relationships we could think of. Keep yourself motivated and happy throughout your time apart, stay motivated by staying close to all your friends and family and do not drag any bad fights or memories for long. Remember that in the end all the matters was that you love each other. Remember, distance makes the heart go fonder, soon all the tough times will pass and you will be back snuggling and curling up next to your partner forgetting all the time that you stayed away. Till then, hold strong.

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After following, all my dreams in life. I have always found myself coming back to writing. Be it about my travel adventures or my undying love for fashion and beauty. With a knack for all things fancy, I am constantly in search for the best fashion trends and age old beauty secrets, And as someone who considers herself a voracious reader, finding just the right advice isn’t that hard. With love for my pen, and my heart in the clouds I wish to make the world a prettier place to be.