Home Remedies To Grow Natural Eyelashes


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Grow Natural Eyelashes

Eyes are considered as the mirror of your body. It is also one of the most beautiful part of a human structure. But are you worried about the thin lashes or scanty growth? Many people do want thicker eye lashes, as eyelashes make the eyes look more attractive as well as beautiful. Many types of factors of the body affect the changes in the eyelashes, like age, genetics, nutritional deficiency, certain medical conditions, or even hormonal changes. So here, are some home remedial ways to grow natural eyelashes.

Remedies To Grow Natural Eyelashes

1Remove make-up in the end

Remove make-up in the end

Sleeping with makeup is not only harmful for skin, but also unhealthy for eyelashes. Too much makeup can clog the thin skin around your eyes, so it is also very imperative that you remove all traces of the make-up at the end of your day, no matter how late have you returned home. Be sure to remove the whole mascara with utmost care, because if you are not careful while doing it, your lashes can become sparse. They will take long time to grow back than the hair on any other part of the body.

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2Brush the lashes

Brush the lashes

You must always try to brush your eyelashes everyday, just like when you brush your hair. It can help in keeping it healthy, lustrous, as well as tangle free. Brush the lashes using a very thin brush, that is meant for applying the eye makeup, in order to get rid of all the dirt and the dust particles. This can improve the blood circulation and also ensure more number of nutrients to reach the follicles, thereby allowing the eyelashes to grow more faster.

3Castor oil

Castor oil

One of the amazing home remedies as well as tips on how to grow natural eyelashes is pure and very simple, with organic Castor oil. Castor oil can also make your eyelashes ticker, stronger and make them grow more faster. To avoid getting a thick mess in the eyes, you can apply Castor oil with the brush to the lashes, when you go to the bed and just leave it on, it can moisturize as well as encourage the natural growth. Castor oil is also an excellent ingredient for softening lips, so if your lips are dry or chappy, do not forget to dab on what is left on the fingers straight to the lips.

4Vitamin E

Vitamin E

Another type of trick on how to make, grow natural eyelashes, is by using Vitamin E. Vitamin E is also a good product for treating blemishes on the skin, and it can also help the lashes to grow thicker too. Just try to break a couple of vitamin E and then apply it to on the eyelashes with the brush to nourish and thicken them.

5Natural oils

Natural oils

Natural oils can help on growing natural eyelashes faster. You can also moisturize the lashes with one of the natural oils: olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, almond oil, sesame oil, linen oil, rose hip oil, argan oil or even burdock root oil. Just soak some oil on a cotton ball and then wipe it over the eyelashes before you go to bed. Wash it off in the morning and natural oil will automatically moisturize, nourish, improve the growth and also keep the lashes strong as well as healthy.

6Green Tea

Green Tea

Green tea can also be used on the lashes too. Just make some green tea, and let it cool and swipe it over the lashes with some cotton ball. The caffeine as well as the flavonoids, that are found in the green tea can help to maintain the growth of the existing lashes and also stimulate new growth.

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Aloevera is a fantastic home remedy, which can be used for many purposes. If you want to nourish the eyelashes as well as make them grow naturally, apply some fresh aloevera gel straight to the lashes before going to bed, using a clean mascara wand. Thanks to the vitamins and the powerful nutrients, aloevera gel can improve the growth of the eyelashes and make them more stronger.



Vaseline or any other type of petroleum jelly is your best friend, if you are having thin eyelashes. It can help in moisturizing the lashes, and works just like olive oil or castor oil, it can hasten the growth, and make it thicker as well as long.

9A balanced diet

A balanced diet

A healthy as well as a balanced diet is one of the common solution to every problem. Certain foods are quite good not only for healthy eyes, but they can also help in growing natural eyelashes and making it more thicker and longer. Fruits are great for this speciality, especially the apples and the guavas. All green, as well as leafy vegetables, even proteins are great for them too.

10Lemon peels

Lemon peels

Lemons are very rich in vitamin C, and they are therefore great for the skin, hair, and also overall health. You can soak some lemon peels in the olive oil or in castor oil for a few days, and then apply it to beautify the eyelashes by just increasing the length and the thickness. You will start to see great results quite very soon.



We all know that egg contains proteins which is great for the health as well as your lashes. The biotin, presence in the eggs can help to improve the texture of your lashes. Make a paste by beating the egg and combine it with one tablespoon of glycerin; keep mixing it until it is thick, and creamy texture is achieved. Use a cotton swab or a brush, and apply it on the lashes, and leave it on for at least 15 minutes. Then, rinse it off using the cold water.

12Coconut milk

Coconut milk

Coconut milk is very rich in fats as well as proteins which can improve the health and the growth of the eyelashes. Dip the cotton swab in the cold coconut milk and apply it on the eyelashes, leaving it on for at least 10 minutes. Then, rinse it off properly. Do it twice daily for every few months, and you can see many noticeable improvements.

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