How To Impress Your Boss At Work


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workplace etiquette

Office is the first place to have your share of responsibility. If you are trying to get ahead at work, the first thing you should focus is on impressing your boss. Your boss is the immediate person who gets to see your progress, potentiality and balance of work life. Though he might not be your ultimate boss, he sure is the one who gets to observe your good work and appreciate you. There are two ways to get ahead of your job.

1. It is either to to improve your current job by asking for the best assignments and facing the challenge without fear. You can do it if you are working for a long time. If you have just started working, you need to learn the possibilities of different activities.


2. You can be transferred into a new and a better job.

Remember, both of these can be done only by your immediate boss. He is the one who can recommend you to get better projects and lets you handle his work. To avoid being too general, this list assumes that you are already working hard at your job and are fairly competent at what you do. Most of them do not struggle much at workplace, but still get their work done. But, here are 10 proven ways to impress your boss at work.

Ways To Impress Your Boss

1Take ‘eye for detailing’, very serious

eye for detailing

Well, this is rather a wise way to keep your boss to have an eye on you. When you do things that stand out, that is when you are noticed. Most small things are the ones that go unnoticed by a lot of people. Switching off the fans while leaving office, opening the door for someone or even a small help you do by picking up papers and throwing into the dustbin, gets a smile on your bosses face. These don’t have to be a part of your daily activity, per se, but if you can do these in front of your boss, then you are sure to get a good name from him.

We are again not saying that you should clean up the coffee station every morning, but you can just pitch in and take some pride in your work area. Looking for an easy fix to implement this? Learn how to un-jam the copy machine or try to carry a coffee for your pregnant friend or simply just smile while you open the lift for you older colleague.

2Act smart with work

smart with work

Everyone knows their work, quite perfect, since they are in the field for so many years. How it makes you stand out from them? Your work is what you do everyday and everyone is aware of the happenings. But no one takes initiativesin sending something valuable to read. If you are well aware of the happenings around you, and you get to read something related, clip a screenshot of the article and send it to your colleagues including your boss. This way your boss will know that you are concerned about the company and about the outer world as well. It shows that you have your eye on the big picture – that’s a good message to send to your boss.

3Keep a clean work space

clean work space

This is more on the side of balancing. You would have to make sure that your workplace is busy, but not cluttered or empty. If you have no paper on your desk, it looks like you are totally not working, but even if you have piles of papers piled on your desk, it would make you look shabby. Try to segregate your pile of papers and put it in the paper cabinet provided to you or at least keep them on one side to avoid shabby desk behavior.

We all know that all the papers are very important, but keeping everything that is given is also not very hygienic for office work life. Try to keep your place neat and make it look good. It is sometimes nice to stick a note which says something nice about work or life. Quotes or even photos of your people would make your desk look tidy.

4Come early and leave late

Come early

Did you hear that? Yes, coming in early and leaving late works like magic in the eyes of your boss. Many of them would have contradicted statements to this saying that ‘Quality is much more important than Quantity’. Yes, true that! But, look at it from your boss’s perspective. If you squeeze in some time and come a little early, that is something great according to him. He sees the level of interest you take at work and will acknowledge it sometime for sure. Do you know what else is true? As long as the quality’s there, the quantity helps too. Nobody’s asking you to stay an extra four hours. Don’t even do that because then you will look like you are spending too much time in office because you haven’t been able to complete your work. Do not over do it, do not under do is the rule.

5Dress up appropriately

Dress up appropriately

You know the old adage, “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have”? No? Well, learn it then. Just dress up for you to look presentable and chic at office atmosphere. It is always apt to have good grooming skills for yourself. Remember, people are noticing you. So always be decked up appropriately and mostly try to look official and not casual unless it is a casual day. You want to give a serious look in your dressing as well.If you are well groomed, that is a major plus when it comes to overall evaluation.

6Save company’s money

Save company money

Why do we earn? To spend! Yes, that is right. But your company is in business and they can give you money to spend. So, always remember that company’s money is your money. Try to find out ideas and give out suggestions on different ways to increase the financial flow for the company or support their idea of saving up for petty things in the office atmosphere. All this comes out in the light only when you share it with your boss.

Try to express your ideas to your boss so he knows you are concerned about the growth of the organization. The day may come when the company passes the savings on to you in the form of a larger paycheck

7Come prepared

Come prepared

If you come prepared to work every day, then you are on the perfect path. If not, that’s when the problem starts. Be prepared in what ever you do. The work you do, the projects, assignments, your meeting and most of all, your deadlines. Gather up additional information if required for a particular meeting. Give in ideas which even your boss might not be aware of. Have some sense of humor when you are a part of meetings and slip in information whenever required. This way, everyone knows that you are fun and also responsible.

Consider this: A promotion or expansion of your current position are both ways , that give the people in the company some confidence on you. If you are not filling the empty plate with ideas or suggestions, what will you do if your plate is already full?

8Take initiatives

Take initiatives

This is the logical extension of working smart. When you know that you are awesome at work, you might as well take advantage of that skill. If you see something that needs doing, just go ahead and do it. Whether it is personal or professional, just take initiatives at the office. Even if it is in planning a day out, come out with different kinds of ideas where you can involve participation from others. Take risks at the workplace. What would be the maximum outcome? People will blame you! If you know your intentions are right, you do not have to be scared of anything! So, take risks. Remember ‘Fortune favors the bold’. So, as long as you’re handling all of your current duties well, overstep your boundaries a little bit and start a new task that’s valuable to the company. Let your boss know what you’re working on. They may take the task away from you, but they won’t forget your vision.

-Pavithra Ravi