11 Home Remedies For Removal Of Spectacle Marks On Nose


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Spectacle Marks On Nose
ImageSource: www.notweirdjustautistic.com

You appear to be a cool cat with spectacles sometimes and highly descent other time but remove off the spectacles and there are marks made by wearing them continuously. But what else you can do when you have to wear as a need. All you can do is marking your nose wearing spectacles. That is unfair by spectacles then. Before purchasing spectacles, keep few things in mind. But now, you need to get rid of these annoying marks which are damaging your beauty all the time.

Many people stay away from spectacles and few move on to other alternatives like lenses. One of the reasons of people escaping from wearing spectacles is, they make stubborn marks with prolonged usage. So, here we found few brilliant home remedies to get rid of spectacle marks.

11 Remedies to Get Rid of Spectacle Marks

Beauty hurdles are common but leaving them must not be common. You must give a try for these home remedies to wear your spectacles fearlessly. All the home remedies will let you remove the spectacle marks easily. The ingredients included in the remedies are powerful to fade the marks made by spectacles.

1. Combined Mask For Spectacles Marks On Nose:

The combination of all the ingredients of the mask helps to banish the spectacle marks. Potato contains an enzyme that helps to lighten the spectacle marks.

Combined Mask For Spectacles
ImageSource: www.diyhealthremedy.com


  • 1 Tablespoon Cucumber
  • 1 Tablespoon Potato
  • 2 Tablespoon Tomato


  1. Squeeze out the cucumber juice.
  2. Add tomato and potato juice.
  3. Mix up all the juices. (Cucumber, tomato and potato)
  4. Dip a cotton ball into the made juice.
  5. Allow it to dry leaving for 15 minutes.
  6. Then rinse off with cold water.

How Often?

Use it on a daily basis for a week and notice the improvement of removing spectacle marks.

2. Combined Pack For Spectacles Marks On Nose

Combined Pack For Spectacles
ImageSource: www.photogallery.ind.sh

The mixture gradually lessens by lightening the stubborn fixed marks on nose. This pack is an inclusion of many effective ingredients like honey, mint juice can remove the spectacle marks. Mint is an extraordinary properties to treat marks on skin.


  • 1 Tablespoon cucumber juice
  • 1 Tablespoon mint juice
  • 1/2 Tablespoon lemon and tomato juice
  • 1-2 Tablespoon glycerin
  • 1 Tablespoon honey


  1. Take a bowl and extract the cucumber juice.
  2. Next, squeeze of out mint juice from fresh mint leaves.
  3. Add drops of lemon juice into the bowl.
  4. Extract tomato pulp and add into the bowl.
  5. At last add glycerin and honey.
  6. Stir it until all are dissolved properly. (It becomes runny after mixing all the ingredients)
  7. Now, apply the mix on spectacle marks before going to bed.
  8. Let it dry and remain overnight.
  9. Next day morning, wash it off.

How Often?

  • Use the mixture daily to remove the spectacle marks.

3. Milk Mask For Removal Of Spectacle Marks On Nose

Milk Mask For Removal Of Spectacle
ImageSource: www.waxingkara.com

This mask can be named as a home cleanser as it has cleansing properties. The lactic acid in milk can erase off the pigmentation formed by spectacles.


  • 1 Tablespoon Honey
  • 1 Tablespoon Oats
  • 1 Tablespoon Milk


  1. Pour honey into a bowl.
  2. Add milk and then oats into the same bowl.
  3. Stir it finely and apply the paste on stubborn marks.
  4. Let it sit and dry for 15 minutes.
  5. Then, rinse of with water.

How Often?

  • Do this process daily until you get the result of spectacle marks fading away.

4. Cucumber Mask On Spectacles Marks

Cucumber Mask On Spectacles Marks
ImageSource: www.goingdeepmag.com

The combination of cucumber, rose water and juice work acutely by minimizing the spectacle marks and then remove completely with regular usage. Here curd starts to moisturize your skin while applying this mask.


  • 2 Tablespoon Cucumber juice
  • 1 Teaspoon Curd
  • 1 Teaspoon Rose Water


  1. Make cucumber slices and chop extracting juice.
  2. Add curd to cucumber juice.
  3. Then add rose water.
  4. Apply the runny mixture on your nose.
  5. Let it stay for 10 minutes at least.

How Often?

  • Do this process for a week to get rid of the spectacle marks.

5. Orange Peel For Spectacle Marks

Orange Peel For Spectacle Marks
ImageSource: www.spiceography.com

Orange peel is mostly used to whiten the skin in a natural way and known for it’s excellent results. By combining orange peel with other natural ingredients gives you good results by removing the spectacle marks.


  • Dried Orange Peels
  • 1 Tablespoon Milk
  • 1 Tablespoon Honey
  • 1 Tablespoon Almond oil


  1. Take dried orange peels and make into fine powder.
  2. Add milk into orange peel powder.
  3. Add on honey, milk and almond oil.
  4. The mixture turns into a paste.
  5. Apply the paste on the nose where you got spectacle marks.
  6. Let it sit for 20 minutes.
  7. Then, rinse off with water.

6. Vinegar and Rose Water On Spectacle Marks

Vinegar and Rose Water On Spectacle Marks
ImageSource: www.medicalnewstoday.com

Vinegar here works as a natural astringent. Rose water is a powerful element in this mixture along with vinegar which helps in removing all the blackness of the spectacle marks and makes you face good looking as before.


  • 1/2 Tablespoon Vinegar
  • 1-2 Tablespoon Rose Water


  1. Mix up both vinegar and rose water.
  2. Apply the mix on spectacle marks using a cotton ball.
  3. Let it stay for 15 minutes.
  4. Then, wash off with water.

How Often?

  • Use it for 7-10 days for better results.

7. Lemon and Rose Water For Spectacle Marks

Lemon and Rose Water For Spectacle Marks
ImageSource: www.stylepresso.com

We know the extended uses of lemon on the skin. Lemon is wise at vanishing marks and purify skin. It works the same with rose water for spectacle marks.


  1. 2 Teaspoon Lemon Juice
  2. Rose Water


  1. Extract lemon juice from a fresh lemon.
  2. Add 2 drops of rose water and mix it up.
  3. Now apply the mixture on spectacle marks using a cotton ball.
  4. Let it remain for 5-10 minutes.
  5. The, rinse of with plain water.

How Often?

  • Use it daily to reduce spectacle marks on your nose.

8. Potato Slices:

Potato Slices
ImageSource: www.indiamart.com

Make potato slices and rub on the effected area where spectacles made marks. Do it continuously on a daily basis and you will see the difference in few days.

9. Tomato Slices:

Potato Slices
ImageSource: www.turbosquid.com

Take a fresh tomato and make it into a slice. Keep rubbing the area where you got spectacle marks and slowly you will find the result of removing the marks. Do it daily continuously.

10. Cucumber Slices:

Cucumber Slices
ImageSource: www.joyofkosher.com

All know about cucumber greatness of working on eye related issues. Cucumber makes you feel relaxed placing them on eyes. But not only that it can also remove the spectacles marks on the nose.

11. Aloe Vera Gel:

Aloe Vera Gel
ImageSource: www.india.com

Extract aloe vera gel and apply the gel on spectacle marks. Leave it for 30 minutes and then wash off with water. Use it daily for reduction spectacle marks.

Tips for Wearing Spectacles:

Do not wear heavyweight spectacles which leads to stubborn marks on your nose. Make sure that your spectacles are not tight, because this also forms marks. It is better to wear spectacles when required, only. Choose well fitting nose pad spectacles while purchasing them.

Hope you will have no problem wearing spectacles and look pretty taking them off as well. Follow the natural made remedies at home and stay away from ugly spectacle marks. All the remedies are super simple and the ingredients are much handy as there are daily used things at home.

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