Best Diet For Dry Skin – Foods That Beat Skin Dryness


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The scaly lines and rashes on skin due to dryness is common. You don’t want to keep this common condition as it is annoying. The flakiness and chapped skin is quite irritating. Skin looks pale and lifeless with extreme dryness. The diet you are following plays a role in moisturizing and hydrating your skin. Forget the home remedies for now as it is the second step and the first comes your diet.

Mind what’s on your plate for every meal to combat dry skin. Healthy diet is key for beautiful skin and hair. Your diet habits can be all good and extremely bad for you. So, choosing the right food is always the top thing you must keep in mind.

Good if you get a thought of eating something that supports your skin and get rid of dryness. We are including both the foods which prevent and head dry skin problems. So, get ready to get them all for your diet for dry skin.

Diet to Stay Away From Dry Skin

The diet you are taking for dry skin can make you free from the inflammations caused by dryness. One of the common chronic skin conditions is atopic dermatitis. It is characterized as the inflammation, itching, dry skin. Your skin can be protected effectively and fight against such common problems with a proper diet.

1. Avocados

AvocadosAvocado is a fruit that helps you combat skin dryness. The antioxidants and the vitamins in avocado help your skin stay healthy. The butter fruit helps retain the skin’s moisture and it also encourages your skin to stay hydrated.

There are many effects due to stress and it all reflects on your face through ageing signs. You must start taking avocado to overcome stress. It can make your skin immune to stress as well. A bowl of salad with ripen avocado cubes is the best for your breakfast or lunch. You have no way to say “No” to avocados.

2. Oatmeal

OatmealOatmeal is a powerhouse of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Do not miss eating oatmeal as you can stay away from excess skin dryness. It balances the skin moisture. You can also treat the common dry skin problems like dead skin and irritation. Try eating oatmeal 3-4 times a week and you will find your skin free from dead cells and inflammations.

This is one of the simple, cheap and easy to reach foods that you have to treat your dry skin. It is great to eat oatmeal with fruits in any season. I would ask you to try applying oatmeal for your dry skin to maintain the skin hydration and remove dead skin. A natural exfoliator!

3. Seeds

SeedsYou have a variety of seeds that help your skin become healthy. Visit your nearby dry fruit store or a hypermarket and browse for these seeds – sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and flax seeds.

You can add the seeds to your smoothies and fruit salad. It tastes amazing and the health benefits are too many that you can’t miss out. The vitamins and minerals that are available in seeds can keep your skin moisturized. It prevents the loss of skin’s natural oils with the protective properties like vitamin E and zinc. The healthy fatty acids and omega 3 are the antioxidants you gain when consuming these varieties of seeds.

It’s not tough to prevent and maintain skin from dryness with the seeds in your daily diet.

4. Nuts

NutsDry skin causes inflammation which results in skin redness, itchiness and flaking. This is a terrible skin condition that you must escape from by having a healthy diet. To make your diet healthy for your skin, you must eat nuts. Instead of munching unhealthy snacks, eat a handful of nuts. You can garnish your smoothies and salad with nuts- almonds, walnuts, raisins.

Walnuts are the super food that you have with anti-inflammatory properties. It protects you from skin and its effects. The other nuts are loaded with essential nutrients like vitamin E. You must intake vitamin E for healthy and normal skin.

5. Broccoli

BroccoliBroccoli contains lutein which is synthesized by plants. It is more present in the green leafy vegetable. So, there is a need to take lutein through green leaf veggies to protect your skin drying. When there is a problem of skin dryness and wrinkles like ageing signs, you must intake more of lutein.

You can make green smoothies with broccoli. You grab vitamins and minerals when you eat broccoli. The key vitamins of this green veggie are A and C and you have the mineral zinc which is crucial for healthy skin.

6. Coconut

CoconutCoconut is the natural moisturize for your skin. The healthy fats in coconut help your skin to prevent dryness. Not only prevents dryness but also minimizes the skin pores size. As it keeps your skin moisturized from inside, your skin glows naturally.

By eating coconut, you are encouraging the collagen production. This keeps your skin from delaying the ageing signs like wrinkles and fine lines. The wrinkles and fine lines are more prone for dry skin women. As there is better collagen production, it helps in cell renewal and gives you youthful skin. Add coconut to your diet in a possible way for desired skin health!

7. Cucumbers

CucumbersCucumbers are always soothing for your skin and body. The water content in cucumber keeps your skin highly hydrated. It is as good as consuming water. It is the best food that you can eat in summers.

We all prefer cucumbers to beat the heat. Eat a good amount of cucumber whenever it is available to prevent skin dryness. Whenever you feel your skin is dehydrated, you can consume cucumber infused water along with lemon. Add it to your salads as well, which adds taste and is beneficial for your skin.

8. Watermelon

WatermelonWatermelon is loaded with vitamin E which rejuvenates your skin. If your skin is affected with inflammation, then eating watermelon is a natural remedy. It stops your skin from getting too dry with the hydrating power. Majority of the watermelon consists of water.

Keep consuming the juice of this seasonal fruit and you will happily stay from dry skin. It also boosts the collange and avoids ageing signs.

9. Tomatoes

TomatoesTomatoes are the cheapest food that you have to treat dry skin. By eating tomatoes, you can protect your skin from cell damage. As it is against cell damage, it retains the lost moisture. It creates a barrier to your skin and protects from free radicals as well.

The vegetable that is full of vitamin C. Consuming tomatoes, you get your dose of vitamin C that is needed for better health and skin.

There are many great benefits with tomatoes for skin. It helps maintain your skin normally. Eat and apply tomatoes when your skin is affected with sunburns or any kind of inflammation.

10. Sweet potatoes

Sweet-potatoesWhat are the main vitamins that are a must intake for healthy skin? The quick answer is vitamin E and C. These vitamins keep your skin healthy and glowing. These are much a huge part of sweet potatoes. If sweet potatoes are your favourite food, then you must not wait to eat a bit more to get rid of dry skin.

It keeps your supple with contributing nutrients through the diet. It also doesn’t allow the free radicals which generally cause ageing signs. It is a good food that avoids wrinkles and fine lines.

11. Berries

BerriesIf your skin is sensitive and prone to inflammation, then you must eat berries. Berries are filled with antioxidants which protect your skin damage. The common damage and inflammation due to sun, climatic conditions can be avoided when you eat berries.

Especially, women with sensitive skin who suffer with skin redness must have berries in their diet. You can add to your salad and fruit bowl. Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries fall into the berries family. Another loving and most desired benefit with berries is- glowing skin. So, do you want any more reasons to eat berries from now?

12. Dark chocolate

Dark-chocolateDark chocolate is known for the finger licking taste! But dark chocolate is good for your health and skin. There are unbelievable benefits that you must know to consume dark chocolate without any worry.

The high amount of antioxidants in dark chocolate provides too many goods to your skin- it moisturizes your skin, improves blood circulation and boosts collagen production. Dark chocolate provides moisture and locks it to prevent skin dryness. You can keep your skin away from ageing signs. As it boosts circulation, your skin is less at risk of inflammation and infections.

Having dark chocolate more than once in a while is a big advantage for your skin. Alternatively, to gain all these benefits you can apply chocolate face masks.

13. Green tea

Green-teaTo maintain youthful skin, green tea makes it easy for you. If your dry skin is prone to acne, then it is a must to have this healthy beverage. It removes extra sebum and prevents acne.

The green tea leaves can soothe the inflammation and irritation that is caused due to excess dryness. You can have it along with your breakfast everyday. It is an amazing way to cleanse your skin and get rid of pollutants and infections.

14. Capsicum

CapsicumCapsicum has the pigments called “carotenoids” and these help that prevent wrinkles. If you want to fight against the ageing skin effects, then you must consume capsicum. It also helps you with proper blood circulation. When there is lack of good blood circulation, it is affected with problems like excess skin dryness, skin inflammation and infections.

When you are having veg salad or rolls, make sure of having capsicum. It adds the slight spice and great taste to your food anyways.

15. Spinach

SpinachSpinach is a capable green leaf that can fight against many skin problems. It contains the vitamins C, E and A. By eating spinach, it cleanses your skin from inside. You can add it in salads and smoothies. Try making a green smoothie with spinach and it becomes your healthy breakfast.

Skin dryness may also cause inflammation. Eating spinach well can make your skin healthy fighting inflammation that causes dryness.

16. Olive oil

Olive-oilThe loss of moisture for skin is the main cause for dryness. Olive oil is an ultimate way to retain the lost moisture, It contains the antioxidants which improve your skin health. The healthy fatty acids in olive oil are needed for your skin to appear and feel good.

Using olive oil for cooking is the best remedy for dry skin. It has the vitamin E which improves skin health. It treats skin inflammation and acne problems as well. The antioxidants in the oil fight the free radicals. It improves the skin elasticity and delays the aging signs. It has the regenerative properties that improves the skin quality.

17. Salmon


If you love to eat fish, then choose salmon! It holds benefits to give away overall health. It gives away the benefits with omega 3 fats which are much required for healthy skin.

It has the components which help maintain your skin healthy. You can maintain firm and smooth skin if you can include salmon in your diet often. It increases the level of collagen which fights inflammation and also delays ageing signs at the same.

18. Buttermilk


When dryness attacks your skin, it makes the skin texture rough. The flakiness and itchiness are the results of skin dryness. To keep such annoying dry skin experiences at bay, you must drink buttermilk everyday. See that you have buttermilk once a day at least to gain other health benefits along with moisturized and soft skin.

Other amazing benefits of buttermilk for dry skin is, it keeps your skin wrinkle free. Your skin looks youthful and glowing.

Shuffle the foods to make a healthy diet for your skin type. With good food you are simplifying the way to treat your dry skin. When you are feeding your body the required nutrients in a good amount, it makes your skin look and feel good. From now on, have these foods in your diet to get rid of dry skin.

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