How to keep a Long Distance Relationship, exciting and interesting


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Love Advice

It is generally perceived that a long distance relationship has a sooner fading point than the normal ones. They say it becomes hard to keep track of things happening in a relationship where you do not meet the guy in person or when you cannot get intimate with him. Well, while to some extent the part of not being able to be there for him or not being able to communicate everything is true, the relationship can still hold those little sparks, first timers and some surprises.

You can blame it on bad luck or poor timing, but you are apart for a reason. May be because you wanted something different or your guy wanted something more. Every girl should be seeing this as the next big step in their relationship. It is common for people to be together due to convenience, comfort or just the physical aspect. When you spend time apart, you find out how strong your relationship really is! You get to sense an innate feeling about yourself and every minute spent apart can be made wonderful and exciting. To become a better person, you need to be independent and take self decisions. Often you go into a cocoon where you expect the guys to decide and end up being there not knowing whether it was right to let him decide or to abide by them. Long distance can be one great time apart to break such insecurities or dependence. This could prove to be the most-well-spent time of your life. If you are in a relationship where you have to find the phone to speak or depend on the gadgets to connect to your
guy, you are on the right page.

Keeping your relationship alive and interesting is the most significant part of long distance relationship. A guy may lose interest if you do not keep him on his toes. While this may take a while to adjust, learn the art of keeping your long distance relationship, exciting and interesting.

Ways To Excite A Long Distance Relationship

1Use the technology –

Use the technology

Technology is now everyone’s best friend. If those days had the whole concept of long distance, it might have not worked out, but now, it is an easy access! A click and then you can see a person even if he is thousand miles apart from you. Always communicate using the technology. Skype, Facetime, Whatsapp video call, IMO and what not! You now have everything that gives you the freedom to look at each other and talk for how many hours you want. The only thing you would need, is a good working Wi-Fi connection. You do not have to worry about the call cost since it is not going to cost you anything. This is one way to keep it alive and interesting.

2Surprise visits–

Surprise visits

This can be a great way to keep your relationship active. If you have a healthy, trusting relationship, surprise visiting the guy is a great idea. Do not try this unless you are in a healthy and trusting relationship. You do not want to be accused of trying to catch them doing something they should not be. This is something that both of you won’t enjoy if you have just started dating. But, for the others, this is a great plan. The less people you tell, the better it gets. So avoid telling everyone. Keep one of two of his friends aware of your coming and plan with them accordingly. Showing at his doorstep is a sexy idea, but when you can surprise him in a group of people, you can catch his reactions on camera. This will be a great way to keep your relationship super fascinatingand you sure are going to get some extra action that very night!

3Write to him–

Write to him

Though writing to him might sound too old school, this is one of the most romantic ways to keep a long distance arousing and lively. You can always write and pour out whatever you have in mind and try to spray your cologne on it. Yes, this is too cliche, but do not forget how it would be for him to get a lovely handwritten letter smelling just like you. A great way to countdown the days until you see each other again is to make your own little mailbox stuffed with love notes. Send him letters on special occasions like Valentines day or the day your anniversary. Make it special and draw if you are good at it.

4Playful pictures-

Playful pictures

This is again applicable only if you are in a trusted loving relationship. If you are in your early dating stages, avoid getting into trouble. We all know how some guys can turn into creeps by leaking out pictures of ex-girlfriends. So, if you are in a faithful relationship, send some playful pictures which give your partner a chill under there. Though you can take extra care in not sending naked pictures, one or two playful self pictures are okay. A selfie is even better depicting your mood, what you are doing or the place you are visiting for the day. This will keep him updated about your whereabouts.

5Create a countdown –

Create a countdown

Create a countdown using the apps on your phone. This will keep both of you aware of the time that is nearing and the excitement that you are going to meet soon. Use both your pictures and create a cute countdown like ‘A week more to go’, ’Just 15 more days to see my love’. Some cute things can interest your partner and increase the longingness which is a nice feeling.

6Play games-

Play games

It is now easy to play games using your respective laptops from your place. If you are not interested to use the technology and want a rather sexy date night, try a truth or dare game. Ask him his deepest secrets or fantasies. To make a good dare, ask him to videotape the dare you give, share and enjoy the moments with each other.

7Send him a care package-

Send him a care package

If you have some money to spare for your honey, then a care package can do just wonders. If you notice something that your guy has been complaining about not having, try to wrap it and courier it to him. When he knows you sent him something that he is finding it hard to get there, he will love you more, Obviously! This care package needs more eye for detailing, listening skills and patience. If you want to just pamper him, send him a picture of you wrapped with a scarf or some flowers with a pastry in his room/apartment.

Try to always explore and come out with new such ideas. If you are in a long distance relationship (LDR) where you have not met for quite a long time, it is worth looking at his expression when he sees you after a long year’s gap. Keep your love true, simple and make sure you tell him how much you have missed him because, end of the day all one expects is a small appreciation, care and love for the relationship.

-Pavithra Ravi