11 Home Remedies For Dark Upper Lips- Eliminate The Dark Shadow On Your Lips


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Image source: diyhomethings.com

Your lips can be the most attractive part of your face. To apply a lip colour or to look pretty naturally, you must have a normal lip colour. For some women, the upper lip turns dark. You can notice the easy difference from the upper and lower lip.

Dark upper lips are not harming your health but beauty damage. To have beautiful natural lips, you must have a normal lip colour. Dark layer on the upper lip is not natural and not permanent as well.

You have some natural ways to treat and lighten your dark upper lip. So, start making the lips look naturally beautiful with home remedies by getting rid of the darkness.

Causes of the Dark Upper Lip

The causes of dark upper lips are from your daily habits and lack of skin care. The hyperpigmentation can make the lips dark. We expect you to learn the causes and also learn how to prevent the dark upper lip. Below are the causes-

  • Cigarette smoking
  • Dehydration
  • Exposure to sun
  • Medications

How to lighten dark upper lip?

1. Sugar Scrub

Image source: aprettylifeinthesuburbs.com

Sugar scrub is a need for lips for naturally soft and pink lips. While you are scrubbing your lips, the darkness on the upper lip reduces gradually with regular use. You can use the scrub even for your cracked lips.


  • Fresh lemon juice
  • 1 Teaspoon organic sugar

Steps to do

  1. Mix both the ingredients and mix well.
  2. Apply the instant prepared scrub to your dark upper lips.
  3. Keep scrubbing your lips gently with your fingertips. Keep scrubbing for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Then wash off with plain water.

How often?

  • You can do twice a week regularly and notice lips lightening.

2. Honey and lemon juice

Image source: bishopsorchards.com

Honey and lemon is a brilliant combination. Lemon functions as a bleaching agent for your dark upper lip. Honey can also protect your lips from sun damage.


  • 1 Teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 Teaspoon honey

Steps to do

  1. Mix both the ingredients together and stir well.
  2. Apply the mixture on your dark upper lips and keep rubbing for 2 minutes.
  3. Leave it overnight and wash off in the morning with cold water.

How often?

  • Keep doing this remedy at least for 15 days on a daily basis to notice the results.

3. Orange peels

Image source: zestysouthindiankitchen.com

Orange peel is an expert removing the dead skin. Orange peel powder and crud together can be a wonderful pack.


  • Fresh orange peels
    (You can also use dried orange peels)
  • 1 Tablespoon curd

Steps to do

  1. Make a paste of orange peels and add fresh curd.
  2. Apply the orange and curd mixed paste to your dark lips and leave it for 30 minutes.
  3. Then, wash off with plain water.

How often?

  • You can use at least 4 times a week to get rid of dark lips.

4. Milk

Image source: downtoearth.org.in

Milk works as an exfoliating agent as it is filled with lactic acid. The lactic acid in milk can reduce the dark pigmentation on the upper lip.


  • 2 Teaspoons milk
  • Cotton ball

Steps to do

1. Dip a cotton ball in milk and apply to your lips.
2. Start gently rubbing your upper lip with milk dipped cotton balls.
3. Leave your lips for 30 minutes and then rinse off with water.

How often?

  • Keep doing every day to find the upper lightening.

5. Cucumber juice

Image source: splendidtable.org

Cucumber has compounds that help in skin whitening. Your lips can be enough hydrated with cucumber application. The power of compounds and acids in cucumber can treat irritated and inflamed skin.


  • Cucumber juice
  • Cotton ball

Steps to do

  1. Dip a cotton ball in freshly extracted cucumber juice.
  2. Rub your upper lip with the cotton ball for 2 minutes.
  3. Let your lips take the cucumber goodness for 30 minutes.
  4. Then rinse off your lips with water.

How often?

  • You must apply cucumber juice to your lips on a daily basis.

6. Aloe vera gel

Image source: noiseware.in

The most wonderful herb for health, beauty and fitness is aloe vera. The dark pigmentation on the upper lip can be removed with fresh aloe gel. Aloe is loaded with healing properties which can also soothe dry lips.


  • Fresh aloe vera gel

Steps to do

  1. Spoon the fresh aloe gel from the stem.
  2. Make a fine paste and apply a thin layer of aloe vera gel on your skin.
  3. Leave your lips for 30 minutes with applied aloe gel.
  4. Then wash off with cold water.

How often?

  • Apply aloe gel every day to see the upper lip lightening

7. Tomato juice

Image source: 4usky.com

Tomato juice works as astringent for skin which helps in skin lightening. The citric acid in tomato juice can remove the darkness on upper lip.


  • Tomato slices
  • Cotton ball

Steps to do

  1. Take the slices to extract tomato juice.
  2. Dip a cotton ball in the tomato juice and leave your upper lip for 20-25 minutes.
  3. Then, rinse off with water.

How often?

  • Apply tomato juice on a daily basis on your lips to get rid of dark skin.

8. Gram flour

Image source: zliving.com

Gram flour is an ingredient that reputed to lighten skin complexion. It can also help to treat dark lips.


Gram flour
Lemon juice drops

Steps to do

  1. Mix gram flour with lemon juice drops.
  2. Apply the mixture to your darken upper lip.
  3. Let the application stay for 20 minutes and then wash off your lip by gently rubbing.

How often?

  • Apply this 4 times a week to see the difference.

9. Beetroot

Image source: william-reed.com

Beetroot gives you the pink lips with natural and direct application. The dark pigmentation on the upper lip can be removed and lighten your dark upper lip. You can apply beet to your lips and get the natural pink lips.


  • Slices of beetroot
  • Cotton ball

Steps to do

  1. Make the beetroot slices into a fine paste and extract the juice.
  2. Soak a cotton ball in the beetroot juice.
  3. Keep rubbing on your upper lip with the cotton ball.
  4. Let it sit for 30-40 minutes and then rinse off with plain water.

How often?

  • Keep doing it daily and you will find the change.

10. Rose petals

Image source: wallpapercave.com

Rose petal are loaded with inflammatory properties. Your lips can be rejuvenated with the application of rose petals. This home remedy includes the super ingredients like milk, honey and glycerine to lighten the dark pigmented upper lip.


  • Few rose petals
  • Bowl of milk
  • Honey
  • Glycerine

Steps to do

  1. A bowl of milk, soak rose petals for 10 minutes.
  2. Then take the milk-soaked rose petals and add honey, glycerine.
  3. Make a fine paste all the ingredients and apply the paste on your upper lip.
  4. Leave your lips for 20-25 minutes and then leave it.

How often?

  • Apply the rose petals paste thrice a week to lighten your dark upper lip.

11. Pomegranate

Image source: organicfacts.net

Pomegranate can moisturize and nourish your lips to make dark lips to natural pink. As you have risen water in this home remedy, blood circulation can be promoted. Dry and flaky lips can be treated with pomegranate juice.


  • 1 Tablespoon juice
  • 1 Teaspoon rose water
  • 1 Tablespoon fresh dairy cream

Steps to do

  1. Mix all the three ingredients together.
  2. Apply the smooth paste on your upper lip and keep rubbing for 3-5 minutes.
  3. Leave for 10 minutes and then rinse off with plain water.

How often?

  • Keep following the remedy every day.

Related Article: Which Are The Best New Lip Balms for Dark Lips?

All the home remedies are safe to treat the dark upper lip. You can take all the goodness of natural ingredients. Keep using and notice your upper lip lightening into a beautiful colour. Let nature fight with beauty barriers.

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