Essential Tips For Good Skin


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Glowing Skin

Do you want your skin to glow as well as make you look beautiful? Do you want all your friends to praise you all the time because of your beautiful skin? There are many things to be considered to have a skin that you want and when you achieve the skin you want, your skin will really thank you. So here, is some tips for good skin, that you must follow for glowing face.

Tips For Good Skin

Causes For Skin Damage

1. Lack of hydration

  • Lack of hydrationIt is very essential to always be hydrated, as it can help to keep away the dry and stretchy feeling of your skin.
  • The skin cells are basically made of water and also needed to be replenished for the skin to stay hydrated.
  • Water is also claimed to be one of the best food for the skin.

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2. Smoking

  • SmokingSmoking does not help to reduce your stress levels.
  • The only thing it can do apart from making you more prone to many respiratory as well as heart troubles, is to dry out the skin and also make you look more like a cracked board.

3. Sun damage

  • Sun damageThe damage in your skin is due to the exposure to the UV rays. You can not avoid the sun, but you can always use the sun protection.

4. Lack of exercise

  • Lack of exerciseLack of exercising can make you fat as well as introduces to many more other health related problems.
  • It also plays a very major role in the lack of luster in the skin.
  • There won’t be enough blood flow, which is very essential for the oxygen to travel properly across your body.

5. Bad eating habits

  • Bad eating habitsYour skin needs more different nutrients, do try to feed your skin right food. Then it will help you to get the look you want.
  • Your favourite fast food joint can never help.

How to get healthy and good skin

1. Minimal makeup

  • Minimal makeupIt is really not always necessary to use a concealer, blush, foundation, mousse or anything like that. Makeup may help to add a very fine coat on the skin, by making it glowing, but have you ever thought about your real skin?
  • Is the real skin underneath the makeup really glowing? It doesn’t matter on how expensive brand you are using, it can damage the skin to a very large extent.
  • Just try to keep heavy makeup for special days and the rest of the regular days, try to tone as well as moisturize the skin, and use sunscreen. Just try to let the skin breathe.

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2. Face cleansing

  • Face cleansingThis has already been told by many beauty experts, umpteen times about maintaining healthy skin.
  • If you are tired after a very long party, try to clean the dirt and the makeup from the skin. Your face must be cleared from the chemicals from your makeup.
  • The makeup always acts as a very tight mask on the face by keeping the facial pores clogged. So, if you are going to bed with the makeup on, you will then wake up in the next morning with a huge pimple.

3. Slather on sunscreen

  • Slather on sunscreenSunscreen is a very essential product for your skin. The sun rays are very harmful, which is beyond your thoughts.
  • It can cause skin cancer, skin rashes, premature aging when the skin gets too much of exposure from the sun without much protection.
  • Always use a big dollop of the sunscreen with SPF on the face whenever you are planning to go out and protect the skin from the anomalies that is caused by your skin from the harmful sun rays.

4. Exfoliating face

  • Exfoliating faceA healthy skin tip for women is that you must exfoliate the face at least twice every week.
  • By scrubbing the face you can get rid of the facial skin and all the dead cells that is responsible to have clogged the pores leading to acne breakouts, blackheads as well as whiteheads.
  • Scrubbing the face can improve the complexion, and add glow to the skin as well as clear the skin of all the toxins. But also remember to not keep the skin scrubbing everyday, as it can make the skin look even drier.

5. Moisturize

  • MoisturizeOther than by just keeping yourself hydrated internally, you can use a good moisturizer for your skin to feed on.
  • Moisturizers don’t add any great deal of the moisture just by themselves but they are able to lock the present moisture and is essential to keep the skin hydrated.
  • After a bath, try to make it a routine to properly moisturize the face daily to keep it hydrated. Before bedtime, you can place a towel that is soaked in warm water on the face for some time. In this way the pores of the face can open up allowing your moisturizer to soak in the skin.

6. Eat proper food

  • Eat proper foodFood can provide life to your skin. Everything that you eat everyday can contribute to a very healthy skin.

a) Citrus Fruits:

  • Vitamin C rich foodsTry to have fruits and veggies, that is rich in Vitamin C. Vitamin C can help to manufacture the collagen, which is also responsible for the firmness of the skin textures.

b) Green leafy vegetables:

  • Vitamin AIf you want a smooth complexion, then don’t worry, you don’t have to spend thousands of bucks on it. All the red, orange and the green leafy veggies are a very rich sources of beta-carotene, that is, a form of Vitamin A.

c) Healthy fats:

  • Healthy fatsThe misconception is that nuts are a kind of fatty that is not good for health. Nuts are obviously fatty, but they are basically filled with omega-3 fatty acids.

d) Tomatoes:

  • TomatoesWhen it comes to healthy facial skin, tomatoes does not need a special mention.
  • Tomatoes contain a magical ingredient, which is called lypocene an anti-oxidant that can help fight facial wrinkles.

e) Zinc and iron:

  • Zinc and ironEggs, oysters, lean meat, and cereals always supply a very good amount of zinc and iron to the body that can impart much wanted celeb like glow on the face.

f) Fibers:

  • FibersBy including fiber-rich foods in your diet, can help you suffering from acne. One of the main reasons for the acne breakout is improper indigestion.

g) Water:

  • WaterTry to drink water throughout the day and keep your skin hydrated.
  • For a supple, soft and dewy look, water is must. Try to follow the diet regime for a healthy skin and also cut down on fried as well as unhealthy fatty foods.

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